2. "He's asleep."

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Chimy has just woken up from his nap, and, as usual, Jungkook had a snack ready.

"I don't want frwuit snackies, Kookie." Jimin said as Jungkook tried to feed him some fruit snacks and apple juice.

"Chimy, we don't have any other food right now. Jinnie and Daddy at the store right now picking up some food for you."

"I want chicken nuggets!"

"We don't have any chicken nuggets, baby."

"But I don't want frwuit snacks!" Chimy yelled while he knocked some fruit snacks out of Jungkook's hand.

"Jimin, you can either apologize to me right now and eat your fruit snacks, or be a bad boy and get punished when Daddy gets home." Chimy shuddered at the use of his real name and "bad boy".

"I-I good boy! I sorrwy! I eat frwuit snackies!" Chimy said as he shoved some fruit snacks into his mouth.

"Awwww, that's my good Chimy." And Jimin's face filled with happiness after Jungkook's praise.

As Chimy was eating his fruit snacks Yoongi and Jin entered the dorms holding a lot of bags.

"DADDY! JINNIE!" Jimin yelled when he saw them enter.

"Hi Chimy, how's my baby boy?" Said Yoongi.

"Good! Daddy play with me!"

"Okay, but only after you finish your fruit snacks."

"Okay." Chimy huffed disappointingly.

Jimin finished his fruit snacks and ran over to his daddy who was sitting on the couch talking to Jungkook and Jin.

"Daddy, I finished my fruit snacks. Can we plway now?"

"Of course my little mochi." With that, Chimy ran into his room and the others followed him, laughing at how adorable he was.

"Look what I drew!" Jimin yelled holding up a drawing of all of BTS together and Jimin had a pacifier in his mouth.

"That's very pretty Chimy. I'll put it up on the fridge." Jin said to the younger with a huge smile.

Jungkook looked around the room observing how the room is still dirty after Namjoon cleaned it.

"Jungkook, why the confused look?" Yoongi questioned after seeing how confused Jungkook looked.

"It's just that Namjoon said he was cleaning Jimin's room, but it's not clean."

"Oh. He probably made up an excuse, because he was hiding something. Did he seem off like he was hiding something?"

"Actually, yeah. He seemed off, and when I asked him about it he just ran off."

"Yeah he's definitely hiding something."

"Do you think he's mad at me or something?"

"I don't know. Did you do anything that might upset him?"

"I mean I ate his cookie, but I apologized."

"Listen Jungkook, I don't know what's up with Namjoon, and I need to take care of Chimy right now. Just talk to Jin about this while I play with Chimy. Okay?"

"Okay hyung." Jungkook said as he left the room to find Jin.

"Hey Jungkook-ah."

"Hey hyung. Can you talk to Namjoon-Hyung for me? I think he's mad at me, but I don't know why."

"Sure Jungkook. Just wait here." Jin said while walking to Namjoon's room. Jin knocked on Namjoon's door, but there was no response.

"Namjoon? Are you in there?"

There was still no answer, so Jin walked in. He saw Namjoon laying on his bed sleeping.

"He must've fallen asleep after he came in here." Jin thought silently. He quietly tip toed out of the room and shut the door.

"He's asleep. I'll talk to him when he's awake."

"Okay. While we wait for him to wake up, do you want to practice the dances for out comeback? Tae and Hobi are already practicing. We could join them."

"Okay. Just let me tell Yoongi, and make sure it's okay to leave him here alone with Chimy." Jin said and walked over to Yoongi and Chimy.

"Hey. Me and Jungkook are going to practice the dances for the comeback with Hobi and Tae, and Namjoon is sleeping. Is it okay if we leave you alone with Chimy?"

"Of course."

"Okay. Bye then." Jin said and then, Jungkook and Jin left. Little did they know what Namjoon was dreaming about when they left.

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