Chapter 40: Traffic Report

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Over these last few days Frank and I have grown closer and closer. We were now on our way back to the hideout trying to beat everyone there. Plus we would have it to ourselves for a little bit. As we were walking, we were both out of breath, but I had to break this silence.

"I wonder where the others are right now. I hope they're safe."

"C'mon, really? They are I'm sure of it." Frank sensed my worry and held my hand. His voice was muffled due to his mask. I sigh, his words weren't calming me, something just unsettled me. The hideout was in the distance and Frank took off running, dragging me with him. I let out a laugh, keeping up with him. We got to the makeshift door and before we walked in Frank kissed me and said, "Welcome home." I ruffle his hair and we walk in only to find Pinkie and Gee. No Grace, but that wasn't that suspicious. Pinkie was laying on the couch, passed out. Gee was pacing around the room and was startled by us.

"Shit. Scared me."

"Deep into thought much?" Frank laughed.

"Not funny... Sit, both of you." We do just that. Gee stands in front of us, not talking loud.

"Grace got taken away. She has to be in the city now. Korse attacked us and now she's gone. He rubs his face and I cover my mouth and grab Frank's hand. He looks angry and distressed.

"Gee what the fuck??"
"I tried okay! And now Pinkie feels guilty and found some of the BLI meds and now she's been asleep for awhile now. I failed."

"No." I start. "Not yet. We don't fail until we die. Which is not going to happen anytime soon." I walk over to Pinkie and shake her. She makes a noise. "Hey, Pinkie, get up." Frank and Gee start fighting. "Guys stop. Let's just listen to the radio. Dr. D will know more than us." Frank picks up the radio and we listen to it. The familiar voice speaks, we all sit around it and Pinkie sits up, still out of it.

"Bad news from The Zones tumbleweeds. It looks like Jet Star and the Kobra Kid had a clap with an exterminator that went all Costa Rica and got themselves ghosted, dusted out on Route Guano!"

No. They tried to save Grace. I dig my head into Frank's shoulder not wanting to hear this. He looks very upset, but not angry.

"So it's time to hit the red line and upthrust the volume out there. Keep your boots tight and your guns close. Die with your mask on if you got it. Here, is the traffic." Gee hits the radio, causing it to break. Pinkie sees his anger and goes to comfort him. He started to cry.

"They're dead, all because of my carelessness. My brother is dead!" He yells. I start to cry too. Frank wraps his arms around me and I know he's trying not to cry himself.

"Can you give us a second alone?" Pinkie mumbles to us. Frank nods and we walk out back. I cry violently into Frank's neck. He shushes me.

"They're dead, Frank."

"I know, I know." I feel a tear hit my face, it's not mine. I look at Frank to see tears trickling down his face. I wipe them and hug him. We were now crying together. Ray and Mikey were family and now they're dead.

Gee came out and pat Frank's shoulder. "We have to go into the city." I look at him and I think he was crying more than I was. "Tonight, we're driving and getting Grace back."

"You're insane."

"We can't just sit in silence now. We need to get revenge."

I let go of Frank and wipe my face. "Let's prepare."

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