Chapter 22: Don't Let Me Cry Tonight

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The attack from the shop is still causing me to shake. I was about to be killed, but Frank saved me. I know The Killjoys are supposed to be brave and I feel like I'm not. I should've handled that situation on my own, I could've done it. Now I'm beating myself up over it. Frank happened to make a fire in the pitch darkness. The flames illuminated the area where we were sitting.

"Well we got two more cameras, I wish we could've found one or two more." Frank said, moving closer to me and patting me on the shoulder. "You're still shaking."

"I can't help it. I know we're not supposed to be afraid, but I swear to Destroya my life was about to end."

"Fear is a natural thing, Calli." He whispered my name, as if someone were listening. "We all get scared, hell I do sometimes."

"You? Getting scared?"

"Yeah! It's scary sometimes out here, I just try to hide my fear, I hate showing it. Here, need help calming down?"

"What do you mean help?"

"Come here." I scooted closer to Frank. I didn't like this, it felt awkward and just odd. I knew he could feel it too.


Why did this feel weird? I thought it would feel okay, even maybe nice. But it didn't. Was she not comfortable? Before things were to continue I look down into the sand and mumble a "Sorry."

"What'd you say?" She said, moving away from me.

"Oh, nothing. Must've heard the fire crackling.



We set up camp and I go ahead and lay down.

"I'm going to sit by the fire for a little longer." Frank said, something was on his mind.

"Okay, be back in five or I'll come out there."

"Got it." He walked out, I heard his feet hit the sand. I laid down on my side and still shook, I couldn't get over it. I was thinking through it and gained a wrench in my stomach. I started to cry now. Trying to cry softly so Frank didn't hear me and worry. "You're not strong" I kept telling myself. "You can't be a Killjoy. You belong in the city." Three minutes into my crying, Frank came in. I tried to fake sleeping and stop my tears so he wouldn't know. But goddammit I sniffled. He heard that and called my name.

"Callista? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Why are you crying?" He was filled with questions about my wellbeing. "Hey." I heard him shuffling and then I felt a hand come across my stomach. "Please stop crying." It sent shivers down my spine, those words Frank whispered. Now /this/ isn't awkward. I don't know why, but it wasn't. I was comfortable. I let a few more tears out then turned to face him.


Callista turned to me, I kept my arm around her stomach. Her tear stained face stared at my concerned one. "I'm not going to let you cry tonight, not ever." I whisper once more, I hate seeing her hurt. Such a beautiful being shouldn't feel hurt. Fuck. Frank why? Why do you do this to yourself? WHY? You're falling for her and you can't help yourself. She probably doesn't even care and is just playing along. God. Dammit.


I dig my head into Frank's chest and close my eyes. I feel his other hand run through my hair. He started to softly sing. He was making me melt inside, I never knew he had this sweet side to him. I slowly drift off to a peaceful sleep, in his arms.


I am awakened by little noises, sounding like whimpering. Frank still has his arms tight around me so it's hard to move a lot. But the whimpering is coming from him. Was he dreaming? Or has he always done this and I've just never known it? That could be, we've never have lied together before. I reach my hand up to move a piece of his hair out of his face. The noises continue, but it was nothing to wake him up over. I snuggle back into his warm arms and fall asleep again, it was calm. I felt like nothing else existed ever. No Better Living, no Draculoids, no Scarecrows, no anything. Just the endless desert and us. I even forgot about the other Killjoys for a minute and where they might be.

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