Chapter 31: Prep

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 The night went by slow. There were three different attacks on the hideout, I'm afraid they're closing in on us. Maybe it was a good idea to go different directions like Gee said. Maybe he could sense what was happening here. Wouldn't be surprised. Gee has that supernatural feeling to him. He is always complaining about the sun, maybe he's a vampire. Who knows. I've heard about vampires from forbidden books inside the city that were smuggled it, that's the only reason how I know what they are.

But somehow we managed to get two hours of sleep each. We had to go around and raid the nearby vending machines. A grueling task to say the least, because Mikey was the only one who knew how to use the Vend-A-Hack. He refused to teach anyone else because it was "his thing."

God dammit Mikey.


It was before the sun rose when I woke up, Mikey was already awake, I swear he never sleeps.

"Go back to sleep." He mumbled.

"You too." I say in response.

"It's too early."

"Then why are you up?"

That shut him up.

"Fine then stay up." He said.

"Guys shut the fuck up." Frank groaned. "It's night."

"Um, Frank, no it's not. It's almost sunrise."

"Shit!" He got up and rubbed his eyes. "I want to go out before it gets too hot. Wearing that goddamn full face mask kills me in the sunlight."

"Oh yeah?" Mikey started, already causing an argument. "Try wearing a helmet like Ray and I do."

"Stop it." Ray woke up, scolding them. Gee, Pinkie, and Grace were still passed out. "We need to get the rest of the group up."

"Let me handle it." Said Frank. "I can take Gee." He stood up, using his arm for support. He walked over to sleeping Gee and balled up his blue, white, and red jacket and chucked it at his face.

"Wake up fucker!" He yelled. Gee opened his eyes and it took him a minute to realize what was happening. Then he got upset.

"Ugh, it's too early for this." He flicked Frank's face and went over to Pinkie and gently shook her awake. I went over to Grace and touched her shoulder to wake her as well. They both woke up.


"Gee! Hurry up! Stop messing with your hair and let's go!" Frank put his mask on and walked outside. I recently got a light blue, white, and orange mask. It was shaped like Gee's. I put that on over my eyes and walk out to the car with Frank.

"Someone's moody today." I laugh and hit Frank's shoulder.

"Didn't sleep well." He rubbed his face with his dirt covered face, getting dirt on his face as well.

"Well, wanna talk about it?" I smile and lean up against the Trans AM. My smile caused a smile to appear on his face.

"Nothing to talk about, just couldn't sleep." There had to be more than that, more than he was leading on. I could tell by the way he was talking, but I wasn't going to push him.

"Okay, you can talk to me though." I give him a side hug, which was nothing but awkward. After that night where we slept together things seemed weird. Did we have to talk about it? Because I really didn't. Not that I don't like Frank it was just a weak moment for me and I don't like those. The rest of the gang came out with their masks and helmets on. Grace didn't have anything but Gee found a black helmet with a stop sign sticker on it and gave it to her. Don't ask where he found it because I'm afraid to know.

"Where are we off to Gee?" Pinkie perked up from her usual quiet self .

"Tommy's, the gas station outside the diner, and vending machines around the Zones. Not going to be easy though. Grace, did you bring your radio?"

"No." She quietly said.

"Can you go get it please?" And with that, Grace hopped out of the car and ran to go get it. Momentarily she came back out with it in her hands. She handed it to Gee.

"Before we leave let's check in with Dr. D." Gee turned the knobs of the radio until we heard that familiar voice.

"Alright Zone jumpers, listen up! Draculoids have been seen on the border of Zone 3 and Zone 4. Keep your masks on and boots laced. Keep it ugly, keep running. This is Dr. Death Defying, here's Mad Gear and Missile Kid." The silence came back for a fraction of a second until "Mastas of Ravenkroft" came on. Gee passed the radio to Pinkie who was sat in the passenger seat. She held it and we all listened while Gee drove fast to Tommy's.


"Everyone stay here and keep an eye out for Dracs." Gee spoke and jumped out of the car. "I'll be back with supplies."

"Haggle with Tommy! And no hair dye!" Ray called out. Gee gave a thumbs up.


I would've liked some help, but I needed to get this hearing aid battery, it's way overdue. Tommy better fucking have it, I will throw laserbeams if not.

"Hey! Tommy!" I wave to the guy standing behind the counter. I near the counter. "Please, god, tell me you have the battery. I'm dying here. I want to smash this damned thing."

"Yeah, yeah. I've been waiting for you. I got it in time. I'll go grab it. Get what you need now and bring it up here." I nod sternly and walk around the broken down store and grab food. Dehydrated food and Power Pup. Several cans and bags to hopefully tie us over for the amount of time we'll be gone. I place it all on the counter. Tommy comes out with a little box with the BLI smiley on it.

"How many carbons for all of it?" I squirm at what the total might be.


"Did the hearing aid go up in price? Jesus, I don't have that much."

"How much do you have?"

"170. About. Just give me the stuff, please."

"Not going to work. 310."

"Tommy I don't have the time."

"And I don't have the carbons."

"Tommy, I will shoot you. I swear to Destroya. Please. There's Dracs to kill." I was getting irritated. Seriously, he can be a stick in the mud a lot. Was he like this when the original Killjoys were together?

"Gerard, you don't scare me. I know everything about you." No, he didn't or at least I don't think he did. He did know my full name, that's something I left behind with me in the city.

"Stop it Tommy. I need this stuff."

"Fine. 150."

"Thank. You." I run a hand through my newly dyed hair and pass over the carbons and take the things off the counter. I slip the battery into my pocket and walk back outside to Frank sitting in top of the car, smoking a cigarette.

"Were you two fighting in there? God." Frank said, pulling the cig from his mouth to speak.

"Matter of fact, yes. He's an idiot. Wanted to charge me 300 for food."

"The fuck? What? That's insane! He can't do that." Said Callista, upset.

"I'm pretty sure he can. Because he tried to." I get back into the car. "Let's go." Frank gets back into the car and tosses out his cigarette.


We drove around to numerous vending machines until we had all the batteries and guns we needed. Guns were needed mainly for backup and batteries for out guns and anything else we might need them for. Now, on our way to the diner gas station.

We made it there and Gee and Frank got out to fill the containers that were in the back of the car up with gas so whoever had the car would have enough gas to get them through. They filled up five large containers with gas and used half of one to fill up the car there. They could've just filled it up using the pump, but they didn't. Probably didn't want to spend the extra carbons.

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