Chapter 17: But I Don't Want Her Here!

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 "Danger Heart? Really?" Frank said as we all walked back into the hideout, leaving Ray and Pinkie out by the fire talking. "Does she have to stay here? We found her crying in the sand!"

"We found Calli hurt in the sand, what's the difference?!" Party defended Pinkie once again.

"Calli is the first girl in the group! She would take Hot Chimp's place! Listen, here's my reason. I don't want this group to keep growing." Frank crossed his arms and leaned against the flimsy wall of the hideout. "We help people I get that but we don't bring them into our group like crazy. That makes no sense."
"Ghoul, I need you to listen closely to my words." Gee stepped closer to him. "Stop. Fucking. Whining."

"I'm not whining! I'm stating an opinion."

"Frank, you are whining. Pinkie really needs our help can't you see that?" I spoke up and said, trying to defend her. "Whatever." He says and walked to his corner of the hideout. "I'm going to sleep, night." "We should get back out to Pinkie." Gee says and with that, we all walk back outside to talk to her. She was actually laughing for the first time. Pinkie was in a lot better mood now, I wonder if Ghoul has anything to do with it.

"I was telling Pinkie, Danger Heart, about how Gee and Mikey found Frank she found it pretty funny." Ray said, laughing himself. Pinkie started to laugh louder. "He fixed the car?" She said. Frank was listening from inside. That much was obvious because he yelled loudly, "It's not that funny!!!!" 

"Shut uP!" Gee called back to him, which caused everyone to break into a laugh, even Mikey. He seemed to rarely ever smile or laugh, I wonder why. Has he seen so much shit that he physically can't? I need to ask him when him and I have our late night talks. Those are nice because we're the only ones up, no one bothers us. We've talked about some deep stuff. The city, the rest of The Killjoys, etc. 

"Shit, Dracs!!!!" Ray called out and pulled out his ray gun. Gee pulled Pinkie behind him to keep her safe. I only had my all white ray gun from BLI still. It was an eyesore. No color. But it still did the job. Kobra ran up to one of the four Draculoids and kicked him in the gut. He fell to the ground and Kobra shot him in the head the ripped his mask off. Under it was a pale man with yellow blonde hair, a gunshot wound between his eyes. Easily, the four of us took down the rest of the Dracs before there were any serious issues. "We need to get Pinkie a gun," I say, that's something we do have to do. "We should go to a vending machine in the morning and have Kobra hack it." I almost said Mikey but I had to remember that around Pinkie I had to use codenames.

"But first, sleep." Mikey said.

"Agreed." The three, well four including Pinkie, said in unison.

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