Chapter 8: No, Dr. Douchebag. YES OF COURSE DR. DEATH DEFYING!

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I wake up from my deep sleep. Since I got here I slept on the couch but now I sleep against one of the walls with my own tattered curtain dividing me from everyone else.

"TIME TO GO! WAKE UP!" Jet yelled over every little nonexistent sound. We all groaned and got up. "What or where are we going?" Ghoul rudely comments.
"Dr. D's" Party answered him before Jet could rip Ghoul a new asshole. I heard about Dr. D when I was in training, he is the main radio station owner of the Zones. When we were going to go for our great strike he was one of the first we had to take out, because he could get information out to everyone. "Dr. D? As in Death Defying?" I ask just to make sure.
"No, Dr. Douchebag, what else?" Ghoul rolled his eyes and laughed. "Of course Dr. D." I nod, not acknowledging his attempt at humor.

We all get outside and pile into the TransAm, that's the official name of it I've learned. I get squished in the back in the middle between Jet and Ghoul. I'm very curious of their real names, in BL we couldn't even find those out. I have to tell them at some point my real background, as far as they know I could have escaped some random Zone team that are violent. "Kick it, Party! I wanna see Dr. D!" Ghoul kicked the back of his seat and Party grumbled and hit the gas causing us all to fly back into our seats. "Jesus Christ." Kobra muttered and crossed his arms.

It took us a total of twenty minutes to drive to the shack. On the way we listened to some music. It was so unfamiliar to me. "What is this?" I ask. "Punk." Jet responds, "Ghoul's favorite." I look to my left where Ghoul is singing, more like screaming, the lyrics and banging his head. I was not used to this behavior, so I chuckled. He somehow heard me over the loud music and looked at me and smiled, his scar exaggerating it. "How do you not know this song? Mad Gear and Missile Kid man!! "Fuck This Whole Wide World!!" As the main part of the song came, Party and Ghoul started singing. They were screaming, "She said, c'mon! C'mon! Kiss my battery! C'mon! C'mon! I'll be your android girl! C'mon! C'mon and fuck this whole wide world!" Coming from the city, this music, or noise, was prohibited. But honestly, I'm kind of liking it despite Jet and Kobra sighing loudly. Kobra went to turn it down and Ghoul threw a soda can at his head. "Bullseye! Or should I say Kobraeye!"
"Shut the hell up." Kobra threw the can back at Ghoul and Party laughed. "Holy shit you two fight more than him and I do! And we're brothers!" Woah, they're brothers? They are like the complete opposites of each other, as far as personality goes. "Here's the shack!" A person with blue polka dot leggings and a white shirt came out holding a pair of rollerskates. "Show Pony!!" Party yelled and jumped out of the car to hug her. I've never heard of Show Pony inside BL.

"New recruit?" Show Pony looked at me and smiled, dropping her skates and extending her hand out to me. "I'm Show Pony! You?" Before I could say anything Party interrupted me, I guess he was fearful that I would say my real name. "This is Acid Candy, found her on the side of the road." "Party, what have I said about picking up random people?" Dr. D. came out sitting in an electric wheelchair. "Hello, Acid Candy!" Please don't recognize me, please don't recognize me, I kept thinking to myself. BLI is good about keeping their trainees out of sight from anyone but there was always that chance. Party patted my shoulder and led inside. It was very messy yet colorful. We hung out and got to know each other, it was full of laughter and that was the first time I laughed since they saved me. I laughed because Party took Show Pony's shoelace collection and jumbled them all up. Show Pony got upset and made him reorganize them.

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