Chapter 32: On Foot, Again

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Gee claimed there would be groups. The fucking liar. The only group there is Grace and Gee.

"Please, can we form some kind of group? Like Calli and I for example."

"Kiss up." Said Mikey.

"Shut up. We all know Pinkie can't be alone. She will get herself killed. I'm asking for her sake."

"We all know /that's a lie./" Said Gee while laughing. "The you doing it for Pinkie part of it anyway. But fine. Pinkie you go with me and Grace. Frank, you go with Callista. Final deal. Every other man for himself."

Mikey and Ray didn't seem to complain, they would probably enjoy being away for a bit. The rest groan but agree. "Great, finally a /solid/ plan." I teased.

"Are we going to have objectives? Or just go out and fuck things up?" Frank crossed his arms and stood in disapproval. But he looked slightly more comfortable with the situation now that he was going to be with me. Weirdo.

I really don't understand him.

"We're going to destroy any BL/ind evidence we can find, not limited to cameras." Said Gee proudly.

"Well, sounds like a plan to me." Ray gave Gee a high five.


They were all in place and set to head out for their next expedition.

"Who gets the car?" Asked Mikey, probably wanting it for himself. Lately he had been complaining about wanting to find and repurpose a BL/ind motorbike.

"No one gets it, it's staying here." Gee responded sternly, without hesitation. Mikey grunted and let out an inaudible "fine."

"Alright, we know the plan and the routes we'll be taking, let's get out of this hellhole." Frank pumped his fist in the air and ran out.

"Um, Frank? Supplies?" I laugh and chase after him.

"Shit. Well, not my problem."

My laugh turns into a groan and I walk back inside to gather up food and water rations for the both of us. Gee is monitoring how much we take.

"Gee, you don't have to worry about me." I take what was assigned to Frank and I. "You know me. It's Grace you have to watch out for." Out of the corner of my eye I see Grace trying to sneak a can of Power Pup.

"Grace!" Gee snickers and smiles, taking the can from her. "It's already half empty, go ahead and finish it." He hands it back to her. She giggled and ate the rest of the can. I walk back out to Frank.

"Shall we get a head start?" He said.

"Ghouly, you're still forgetting something." I use my hand to mess up his hair.

"And what's that, Candy?" He bats my hand away, smiling his goofy smile.

"Your mask."

"DAMMIT." He takes off in a run back into the hideout. He came out moments later again, finally and completely ready to go. He threw on the mask and so did I. I never lost mine because it was around my neck all the time just like Gee's. Mikey and Ray had helmets and Frank just had a full face mask that was purple and green. Grace didn't have anything until recently. But searching through a garbage mess we found her a silver helmet, but it sadly didn't cover her face. We couldn't anything of that sort so far. Following Frank the rest of the group walked out.

"Calli and I are leaving, see you losers in what? A month?"

"Month and a half." Gee corrected him.

"Jesus." He shook his head and took off. I smiled at the group, waved, and chased after Frank again.



I've said this many a times but most of the time Gee's plans suck ass. I don't know why he thinks these are good ideas. Just thinking about it makes me frustrated. Apparently my frustration was noticeable to Callista. She nudged my shoulder.

"Frank? Why the face?" She smiled, showing those beautiful teeth. God I was falling for her and I didn't like it. God help me.

"What? Oh, nothing. Just Gee's plans something make me upset. He's going to get us all killed eventually."

"Frank. Let me explain this to you," She moved some of her hair out of her face as we walked across the desert, heading to Zone 5. "Like it was explained at Dr. D's. If we get into a big encounter, we'll die together and that's it. We lose. He wants to split up in case something bad happens and, tragically, we'll still die, but it will be separated. The rest of us still have a chance."

"But what if. . .What if things get really bad? When we're alone I mean. What if that happens?"

"Frank I just explained that. At least we won't be together."


She won.

I stayed quiet.

"Frank, we'll be fine. Between your shooting skills and my fighting. We'll do fine."

"But what everyone else?"

"Again, we will all be fine."

I was about to blow up, I was just getting fed up for no reason.

"Calli! You don't know that! Next thing we know we could hear about how everyone was ghosted! We'll be the only ones left. I might as well die at that point too."

"Frank. . . Stop it. Stop it now!" She stopped walking and crossed her arms, starting to look upset too.

"//If// that happens it's our job to start a new generation and find recruits. You KNOW how many people look up to us! It'll be easy. Sure it'll be hard losing them, but. . . You know what? Let's just stop talking about this now." She shot ahead of me and kept walking. I'm pretty sure I pissed her off a bit.

We walked in silence until we saw the sign for Zone 5. I ran forward and grabbed Callista's hand.

"Calli I'm sorry. Okay? I was pissed off. Can this silence please end?"

She looked back at me and looked at the sand. "I'm sorry too." I let go of her hand and extend my arms. She lets her guard down for just the tiniest amount of time and nears me. I wrap my arms around her and rub her back. She pulls away.

"Let's go find shelter."

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