Chapter 16: The Heart Full Of Danger

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Well, Pinkie still hasn't talked a lot, but she has more than when we first started. We are still trying to get to the bottom of where she came from. It must've been worse than me... No what could be worse than my situation? Sure I was having a bit of an egotistical moment but seriously, what could be worse than what happened in my life? No matter that now, we are all focused on Pinkie, well, everyone besides Frank. He's been pissed off for the past two weeks. It's like he doesn't like Pinkie around.

He's outside by himself so I walk out to join him in silence. He looks at me and smiles before looking down at the sand.
"What's your deal with Pinkie? I won't tell Gee, he seems to be the one who's infatuated with her."
"I'm upset because I don't want this group becoming a big mess of people. Look at the wannabe groups around here, there are twenty fucking people! We were just fine with four, excuse me. Five."

"Why am I so special?"

"Because you were the first girl, that's pretty big for us. Plus Dr. D was telling us to get a girl in the group, to honor Hot Chimp."

I change the subject, knowing he doesn't want to talk about Pinkie anymore. "Who were the original four Killjoys?"

"Dr. D, DJ Hot Chimp, Tommy Chow Mein, and Agent Cherri Cola. They're the only reason we have The Zones now."

"I see, I never learned about them, in Bat City we were so focused on you guys."
"Calli? How was it in the city? Ray and I are the only ones who haven't been in there."

"That's a story for another time, Frank. It's sunset, we better get the group out and try to talk to Pinkie." Frank grunted and went to start a fire and grab six cans of Power Pup, the issued food in Better Living to The Zones. Only the lowest quality for us, the Zone Rats.

. . .

We're all sitting around the fire now, laughing and talking about the day. Pinkie sat with her arms crossed around her, staying secluded. She looked like she was spaced out big time. Ghoul snaps his fingers in front of her and she comes back. "Huh?" "Tell us Pinkie. We need to know if you're going to stay here."

"Ghoul!" Party came to her defense.

"Party!" He yelled back louder. "Whatever, we do need to know." "Fine fine fine FINE!" Pinkie slammed her hands down onto the sand causing clouds to form. "I've been wandering for months, my mom she... she... she died. I saw her. I'm alone." "Hey! She speaks!" Frank clapped sarcastically and Party gave him /the stare./ "Oh Pinkie, I am so sorry. You'll be safe here, from BLI. Okay? You just need a name." That seemed to lift her spirits a little bit, she still had a tear-stained face that the fire lit up. We all sat there thinking until Party started to mutter. "Heart... Heart something. Danger, something? God, I hate this, fuck." "Try reversing those," Ray said. "Danger Heart?"  

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