Chapter 13: Colors? Other Than White?

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We all pile into the hideout and Party starts to look around for something that could work for me. He started to look through old dusty bins that looked like they had old clothes in them. They were dirty I might add. "Try this." Gee threw a sky-colored jacket at me. "It's turquoise, it could work." That was such a weird name for a color, turquoise... Hm. I try on the jacket and it's a bit big on me. "Hell yeah, it looks good! Don't mind the business, we can fix all that later... Now for pants. . ." He went back to looking through the bin. "How 'bout these?" He threw a pair of black stained jeans at me. I go behind my curtain part of the room and change behind the curtain. While I was in the middle of getting changed, Gee threw a bright pink shirt, the color was blinding. I took the jacket off and put the shirt on. I threw my old white clothes outside the curtain and I came out with my new clothes. "How many colors are there? I only knew white, gray, and black."
"Huny, you need to see a rainbow, holy shit." Gee said. "You look really good." I looked at all the guys and they all said I really did look like one of them. Being one of The Killjoys made me ecstatic, I forgot I could feel real emotions out here and no one would judge me for it, at least I don't think they would. I caught Ghoul staring at me but I tried to put that aside, I just don't get what was going on with him. Am I clueless?

"You need a symbol, now that you're one of us now." Ray said. "I'll draw one up!!" Gee said and started to carve one into a wall where all their symbols were. After fifteen minutes of waiting he came up with this. . . Inside a circle Gee drew a candy wrapper shape with the radioactive symbol in the middle of it, to represent acid.

Ghoul came out of his trance of staring at me and said, "We need to go out and do something, I hate being cooped up here." He stormed out and I became curious. "Okay, what is up with him?" "No idea. . ." Mikey said, but I think he did know.

"Well," Gee started. "You heard him, let's go!"

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