Chapter 10: How I Got Here, Part II

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I woke up by Jet shaking me till I was conscious. "Get outside by the fire, please." He walked out and sat down in the sand, I heard him conversing with the others. I rub my eyes and walk out and sit next to Ghoul.
"Spill it." Ghoul looked at me and took a sip of his soda.

"You wanna know? Ok." I was getting upset, they were so persistent for the past month. "I'm an escapee from the city. I was training to... you know what? Why does my past matter?"
"We all have a past," Party started. "And you're wearing all white, I knew you were from the city. Training to do what?"

"I was training to," I start to tear up, but I suck my tears in. "Let me start from the beginning." I clear my throat and start with my story, my past. "When I was ten I watched my parents be shot by Draculoids." I got interrupted by Ghoul. "Dracs. We call them Dracs out here." "Okay, Dracs. My parents were killed by Dracs and they took me in."

"Why were your parents killed?" Kobra asked.
"Does it matter?" I snap at him before looking into the fire, I felt bad for being disrespectful.
"Damn, we have a fiesty one here." Ghoul said, chuckling and opening a can of what looked like dog food.

"I was training to become a Scarecrow, I was training to kill you guys. But I escaped with my hip injury and I just want to get as far from the city as I can."
"Do you still want to kill us?"
"Hell no, I hate killing the innocent, I had to do it everyday for years."
"Who says we're innocent? We've killed."
"But that was for good, the city are the bad people, you guys bring freedom and that is what makes The Zones the best. Battery City is worthless."
"I hear you," Party says. "I escaped myself with Kobra, my brother. We weren't in training though, but it was still a hellfire trying to escape."

"Never seen the city and when I do I want to bring it down." Ghoul spoke, looking like he was spaced out. Jet agreed with him.

I spoke now. "Well, I shared my past, what are all of yours?"

Jet went first. "I grew in this Zone, Zone 6. My family was poor but my mom knew a lot about medical procedures. I learned from her and now I'm a medic. Before you came along I was the newest member."

"Explains why you helped me so much with my hip." I laugh.

"My turn, my turn." Ghoul raised his hand and smiled then laughed. God his laughter was contagious. "It was a bit after Gee-----I MEAN Party and Kobra started the new Killjoys, the second generation. I was Zone hopping and trying to survive. I saw Party and Cobra having trouble with the car. This was before it was painted. So I offered to help, I'm good at fixing things.--"
"Nice pride moment Ghouly." Party smiled and smacked his shoulder.

"Shut up. Anyway that's when they recruited me. You already heard Party's and Kobra's stories, so."

"I guess we all do have a past don't we? We've all been through hell it sounds like, damn. And Ghoul, you said Gee? What are your real names, BLI could never find them out."
"Why should we trust an escapee? You could easily run back to them." Party said.
"I do not want to go back to the hellhole. I only would if my parents could come back."
"Okay, okay. Fair enough." Party sighed. "I'm Gee." The guys started to go around saying their names.
"Frank." "Mikey." "Ray."
"Do you all prefer code names?"
"When we're around any place that is not the hideout. You don't know who is watching or listening."

"You have a valid point. Frank, how did you get your scar? That thing looks crazy.""Well first I have a question for you."

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