Chapter 24: Eat. More. PowerPup. Now.

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Why couldn't I be with Gee during this trip? Of course he had to be with Pinkie. When we would group up it would always be him and I. I don't hate Pinkie, not by any stretch I just hate the time he's giving her. Yes, fine. I'm a jealous brother. I admit it. I haven't slept at all the previous nights, I barely sleep anyway. I just can't most times. Ray gets upset at me for it, thinking I do it because I want to. I don't, my mind just runs and I can't sleep. Ghoul has a similar issue. But his are night terrors. When it was just us four he would scream in his sleep and wake us all up in worry.

It's thirteen days into the adventure. One more day. Ray and I made it to the diner and camped out there for the past day.

"Eat." Ray said, I had the unopened can of Power Pup in front of me. "Or I'll throw this can at your head." I groan and flip him off. I pry the can open and start eating. It's so disgusting. I make a face and Ray starts laughing at me.

"It's not my fault it tastes like pet shit."

"Well." Ray said trying not to laugh. I leaned over to slap the side of his head.

"How the hell would it be my fault?!"

"Damn Mikey! Chill! It's not your fault! I was joking! Just eat it." I groan and then start slowly eating the contents of the can. I hate this. . . a lot.


"Got everything?" I ask Ray. "Wonder if we will be the first ones back."

"Yeah, we have everything. Let's get out of here."

"Following you." I lend my hand out and Ray walks out. We walked out in the hot desert. It was mid day and frankly I hope I would die of heat exhaustion. Being a Killjoy means a lot and all, this heat is just crazy. You'd think we get used to it but there are those days where we could burn alive. I wonder if the city can somehow control the weather out here.

After walking for a long time and me sweating through my yellow helmet and red leather jacket, we made it. The place we called home. I tried to open the door and it was stuck, so I kicked it open. Home sweet home. The first thing I do is grab a soda and toss another one to Ray.

"Well, we're the first ones back, ha." Ray chuckles to himself and sits down on the couch.

"When the others get back we should scare them." I say. "We should also place a bet. Mine is for Frank and Calli to get back first."

"I'm not setting a bet because I agree with you."

"Time will tell, less than a day now. How many cameras did we get again?"

"Eight- ish?" Ray questioned himself. "I thought you were supposed to keep count."

"Fuck." I shrug and laugh, I forgot. I expected to leave it up to Ray.

A/N - Sorry for the short chapter! Writers block is a bitch! I have a hard time writing for Mikey and this doesn't seem like a decent chapter but it had to be added in for the storyline to continue. Enjoy.


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