Chapter 11: The Hellish Scar

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"And what is your question?"
"Do you know Korse? Or did you know?"
"He's the one who showed me around and helped me with my training, yes I know him."
'He's the one who gave this to me."
"Explain, Frank."

Ghoul put his arm around me and laughed again. "Well, okay. When I first joined we got into a battle with Korse. He held a switchblade to my throat and had me make a promise to him. He said if I were to kill Gee and Mikey I would live, so I said yes. But of course I wasn't going to do that. They're my brothers, I couldn't do it. So instead of cutting my throat, he sliced my lip and cheek." I cringed out of his grasp and shook, seeing that would make me vomit. Despite I've seen worse. He continued. "I let it try to heal naturally, but soon after that encounter Ray joined and he insisted on stitching it up. Which, well Ray do you want to tell Calli what happened?" Frank gave me a nickname, that made me smile, no one ever gave me one before. Ray groaned and chuckled. "Frank tore the stitches out. He gets hurt a lot by doing stupid shit and well I'm always the one fixing him up and he doesn't like the healing process."

"I like my battle scars!"
"Sure, whatever."

Frank pulled me a bit closer before shaking his head and taking his arm off of me, I didn't know what his deal was. We laughed and told stories for awhile longer before we all went to sleep.

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