Chapter 5: Music? I Only Know White Noise

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The night was more than painful. My hip kept bugging me and no matter what I did it always hurt. This is going to be a burden I can't escape now. It takes me a few moments to sit up and eventually stand. I stretch my arms and limp out onto a dust and sand covered road. I was past the close Zone shelters, the ones by the city, but far away from the next one, which was on the border of Zone 2. So the road I'm walking is barren and if anyone were to spot me I don't have that many places to hide.

I go as far as I can until I have to sit down and recover a little bit. I think about how in world I lived through that. It was open gunfire. 'How?' I continue to ask myself. I can't wrap my brain around that I'm not dead, or back in the city. I lose my balance and fall onto my injured hip. I scream in pain involuntarily. After I quiet down, I hear something in the distance. Is that music? I laugh, music was prohibited in the city. Only white noise was allowed to us. I push myself up and then I see a car. The distinct paint job of this car is one that is engraved into the minds of every exterminator in Battery City. The four people in that car are none other than The Killjoys. I wave my arms, then the car stops and they get out to help me.

I try to stand up but I end up falling back down to where the pain is most. My surroundings turned black and the mysteriously hardcore music faded away.


My eyes flutter open and I'm struck with a sight I'm haven't seen at all. I was in the car I saw before, in the arms of someone. But, who? What? My vision is still clearing up. I turn my head to the right and look in front of me, in the driver's seat I see red hair. Red hair only everyone in Battery City knows.

Party Poison.

A Killjoy.

I then look to the person who is currently holding me, long black hair with that hell of a scar on his mouth. Fun Ghoul, I identify him. He's not looking at me, he's talking to Kobra Kid who's in the passenger's seat. Jet Star sees me conscious and alerts everyone else. "She's awake!" Party turns his head back to look at me before Ghoul yelled at him to stop swerving.

"Are you alright? You looked like you were in a lot of pain." Jet Star asks me and Ghoul lets go of me and doesn't make eye contact with me. I sit in the middle of them, being squished.

"I only remember being chas-Ow!" I put my hand on my hip and Jet grabs my wrist. "Don't touch it." I was about to continue my thought then I realized I need to stop because I was just about to say I was being chased by BLI. I just escaped the hands of death, I don't want to go back into them.

"I looked at your wound while you were passed out, and it's bad. Party! Step it up! I need to get her wound taken care of back at the hideout!"

"Do you want to attract company right now?" The red head snapped sassily. Before Jet could answer Party continued. "No, you don't. Thus, I'm not going any fucking faster."

Ghoul kicked the back of Party's seat. "Chill the hell out. You're as heated as this damn desert."

Kobra looked unamused. He stared out the windshield, not talking to anyone. 

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