Thirty eight

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yesssss the final chapter, for those who made it this far with me thanks so much again for reading I truly appreciate it. 💥💥💥💥😛

Two years later****
Alexis's POV****
I was nervous as heck,I ran around trying to get everything in order not wanting anything to go wrong. Today was the day I grinned,I was about to propose to jaimee, what if she said no??what if she isn't ready??what if she thinks I'm rushing? My heart was beating rapidly I honestly felt nauseous, my mom rounded the corner and ran into me,she took one look at my worried face and immediately cupped my chin,
"Sweetie are you okay?" She asked brushing the strands of hair from my face,I sighed deeply,
"Mom I'm okay,I'm just nervous" I told her being honest,
"Sweetie listen there is no need to worry okay jaimee loves you this night is going to go great I'm so excited!!" She exclaimed throwing up her hands and rushing off,I smiled at my moms enthusiasm,my mind drifted off thinking over the past two years about how much a lot has changed,firstly I moved in with jaimee since she was at my place everyday and left the bigger space unattended,we have been inseparable and we basically did everything together,jaimee left wanting to operate her own business and since she and mark split several entities between each other that they obtained over the years of working together she literally did not have to work another day in her life but of course she didn't want anyone running her business operations anymore so she took over and almost immediately she became really successful in the field as an entrepreneur I was proud of her,she wanted me with her by her side but I have my own dreams of starting my own businesses and I didn't want it to just come easy, I wanted to work for what I wanted and achieve it on my own,she understood and didn't pursue the topic anymore, Cara got promoted to manager's position, and Emily started working back at the company,I was surprised when later on I found out that Emily and Cara got together and now they were living with each other,I never saw it coming but I was happy,they deserved each other they really did,mark and his newly wed wife were expecting and were told that they were having twins,lucky bastard,we had somehow gotten closer and as if he knew my mind was on him he barged into the room I was in startling me from my thoughts,
"There you are!!,Mann we been looking for you,jaimee called she is waiting for you to come get her so get ready" after that he was gone again,my family was here,of course Bruno as well, trey had him for a while after pairing him off with a female dog,now I guess you can say both trey and I were looking forward to be grandparents with the litter that was on the way.Cara,Emily and mark were here as well,I wanted everything to be perfect,I was gonna take her to dinner first, set the mood right,I also arranged for her favourite park to be decorated in a romantic atmosphere,after that I was going to take her back home to the surprise party and ask her to married me. As I went to get the car I became even more nervous but Cara was there waiting for me,
" you okay?" She asked hugging me tightly, I nodded and she grinned,
"Big moment for you right now but don't worry it's gonna go great,go get your girl" I smiled at that and got in the car.
I smiled the entire time until my car pulled up at Jamiee's feet,she looked exhausted as she came into the car,following the normal routine she leaned over to kiss me,
"Hey babe" she whispered kissing me again,
"Hey you look tired" my eyes roamed over her,she worked so hard to ensure everything was running smoothly at all time, I couldn't wait to surprise her because my surprise also Included a week away just us in Hawaii and I just know we both were going to enjoy the beaches, the food,everything together.
"Where are we going?" She asked,
"Gonna have dinner babe aren't you hungry?" I inquired smiling as she took my hands in hers while I was driving, typical jaimee,she had to always have bodily contact with me and I absolutely loved it,
"Why are you smiling? What are you thinking about?" She was looking at me intently, I grinned even more which was contagious as she started smiling back at me,
"Yeah I'm hungry but I really just want to sleep babe,or get you to make my favorite grilled sandwich and just spend the night in" she continued and the nervous feeling was slowly returning,but I ignored it,knowing that I had to be confident because the slightest slip and she would read me like a book and know that I was up to something,
" awww babe I have our entire evening planned out,dont worry you will rest,eventually" I winked at her watching her blush,she was so cute. We joked around teasing each other until we got to our destination,it was a really fancy place and when she saw where we were she immediately frowned,
"Babe I'm not dressed for here,why didn't you tell me?? I have on jeans alexis" she ranted but I ignored her parking the car and getting out to go pull her door for her,
"Look at you, all dressed up and sexy and look at me," she whined and I had to laugh, I had on a red button front shirt tucked neatly in my black jeans and a pair of red converse sneakers, I looked pretty simple,
"Cmon babe you look great in anything and I think your beautiful" I kissed her, closing the car and tugging her hands anxious to get  moving,she muttered softly and I smiled, getting to the door I opened it for her ignoring the glare she shot me as she walked past,I was really amused by her, approaching the front desk I addressed the guy sitting there,
"Reservation for two," I stated placing Jamiee's hand in mine,
"Name please?" He asked. After giving him our name we headed over to the table reserved for us and someone came over to take our orders,
"Hey I'm Rachel and I'll be your waitress for tonight" a girl came over with her notepad,
"Give us a sec will ya we haven't decided" she nodded and left,
"So babe what are you having?"
"Why don't you order for me?" She suggested,so I looked over the menu trying to decide what to order,
"The shrimp pasta looks really good" jaimee stated,
"Is that what you want?" I raised my eyebrow, didn't she tell me to choose,she smirked,
"You are taking too long," I grinned at that,
"Well then shrimp pasta it is for you babe,but I think I'm going for the medium rare steak though" her smile widened,
"I'll have some of yours" I giggled,we talked a little after placing our orders and sipped the cocktail they provided it was really good, finally dinner was served and we dug in laughing and teasing each other.
Dinner was great and we had a marvelous time,but I had to remember jaimee was tired so I signaled for the check surprised when jaimee stopped me,
"But I haven't had dessert as yet babe" she whined again sounding like an adorable infant,
"Babe we will have dessert at home trust Me there is somewhere I wanna take you and I know you are pretty tired," she pouted and I was almost tempted to stay a bit longer but I had to stick to the plan,giving in a little I ordered cheese cake for her knowing that was her favorite, earning a squeal from her when they delivered it to the table, we left after and I went to get the car.
"So where to?" She asked when I pulled out from the restaurant,
"You will see babe" I answered smiling as she again took my hands in hers while I drove.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now