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Jamiee's POV*****

I was scared,insecurities flowed through me and the closer we got to the hospital the more my stomach knotted together from fear. Cara tried reassuring me that everything was going to be okay but what if she no longer wanted me,she already cheated once,what if when she woke up Emily was who she wanted,after all Emily saved her didn't she,I sighed and could see cara glancing at me from the corner of my eyes, she seem worried,
"I'm fine Cara honestly I am" I told her not looking in her direction, the rest of the drive to the hospital was silent and when we got there I took a deep breath nodding when Cara asked for the millionth time if I was okay. We walked towards the building slowly,and headed directly to her room,at the door I could hear chattering and laughing so I paused abruptly causing cara to collide smack in my back, she groaned and I giggled, taking a deep breath I slowly opened the door watching as everyone turned to face me,her mom and sisters and her brother was there Alexis looking cute as ever even though she was in a hospital gown,the growth of her hair obvious as she had let it loose to fall over her shoulders,she normally kept it short or in a pony tail,her lower abdomen again wrapped in bandages and her face was badly bruised, our eyes locked and held and I stood rooted at the doorway looking at her, there was silence growing in the room and Cara cleared her throat signaling to Alexis family and they left closing the door behind them. I walked closer to the bed, sitting at the end looking down at my hands,
"Jaimee....." Her voice sounded so hoarse and my eyes immediately filled with tears,
"Where were you?" She asked but the lump that had formed in my throat prevented me from answering,
" its been days jaimee, fucking days and I needed you,I thought you were dead,surprise surprise when I heard you were OK and released perfectly fine!!!!!" Her voice had gone up a notch and I glanced up at her surprised as I'm not accustomed to her yelling at me. I wanted to tell her but the more I thought about it the more selfish it made me feel, she was about to lash out again but I held up my hands stopping her,she paused and I met her gaze swallowing when I saw the hurt that I had unintentionally caused,
"Look Alexis I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I wasn't here when you needed me,it was selfish of me,but I felt like I wasn't needed,I was insecure, I thought you would wake up and realize that Emily is so much better for you than I am" I paused letting what I just said sink in,she was quiet for a moment and then she looked even angrier than before,
"What the fuck!!" She yelled again and I cringed a bit,I was beginning to feel upset at her constant yelling but I felt like I deserved it so I stayed humble, she went quiet again so I continued slowly,
"Look Alexis I was selfish and insecure and I'm sincerely sorry for that, I was thinking about my age,the fact I can't have kids,how much Emily loves you,she saved you,I couldn't," I paused trying hard to contain the tears that were threatening to spill from my eyes but I couldn't and before I knew it I started to sob,I was about to escape the room but Alexis seem to know exactly what I was thinking,she moved so quickly grabbing my hands and tugged me towards her,I tensed not wanting to hurt her but she kept trying to get me closer, sighing I gave in and moved setting myself where I was stretched beside her snuggled into her arms the tears flowed freely,
"You are such a girl jaimee, I love you,I need and want you,even if you can't have kids,hell I'll adopt a dozen with you if that's what you want,I do care about Emily jaimee but she isn't you, there is nothing for you to be insecure about," she sighed and pulled me in closer, we laid there in silence just appreciating the comfort of each other,
"Would you really adopt a dozen kids with me?" I broke the silence with a small smile on my face, she chuckled
"Of everything I just said that's all you got?" She laughed but continued
"Honestly I would do anything for you"she tilted my head towards her so that our lips could meet, just as the kiss was about to deepen there was a knock and I pulled away hesitantly,jaimee groaned, the door opened slightly and emily peeked in,
"Hey may I come in?" I smiled at the shyness on her face, my insecurities gone,Alexis glanced at me and I nodded, Emily came in and the door closed behind her,
"Hey you" she spoke to Alexis going awkwardly to sit on the opposite side of the bed in the chair that was there,
"Hey em, I have been waiting for you" Alexis smiled, Emily blushed and lowered her eyes from us on the bed,there was a silence and I moved to leave the room,Alexis held my hands and looked at me but I nodded to assure her I was okay, I left the room closing the door behind me and went to find Cara and Alexis family, feeling the need to apologize to them as well.

Alexis POV *****

Its been a rough couple of days, after jaimee left the room there was a comfortable silence between Emily and I, I winced a bit as pain shot through me, I felt like shit,since I woke up the pain has been on and off, I had broken ribs and a bruised face,great I thought,all of this because I decided to give a nerd my virginity and reject his affection after, I glanced at Emily, she was so beautiful, why couldn't I have loved her like I love jaimee, I cared about her but that was about it,she wasn't jaimee, I'm really glad she was there that night, I cleared my throat,
"Umm em, thank you, thanks for being the brave person you sre, I appreciate what you did, you saved us all" I could feel the tears forming in my eyes,but I continued,
"I've done nothing but mistreated you and all you have done for me is love me continuously,I don't feel like I deserved you saving me but I still thank you for doing it,"I broke off and looked at her as her tears flowed freely from her,I patted the bed for her to come and sit beside me,she came sitting at the edge of the bed facing me,she took a deep breath then she spoke,
"I'll never stop loving you,but I also know you will never be mine and I have to move on,i would save you both without a thought again because she deserves you just as much as you deserve her,I just want you to be happy okay" Emily choked out and I pulled her to me crushing her against me in a hug,
"You deserve me just as any one else,so don't ever think you don't,I'm sorry we didn't work out" I lifted her chin so she could meet my gaze,when she did I looked at her and saw her eyes flicker to my lips then back to me,I know she wanted me to kiss her,so I brought our faces  closer together and connected our lips,a surge of desire flashed through me as her soft lips melted beneath mine,our kiss deepened even though I know I should pull away I didn't,she scooted closer and I could feel her hands move over my arms slowly before coming to my neck pulling me in even more,her boobs crushed against mine as she came over me to straddle me on the bed,we moaned together as our bodies touched,my hands went out to fondle her boobs,and she shivered against me,she was the one to pull away from the kiss,leaning forward she rested her forehead against mine, and looked me dead in my eyes,
"I'm gonna miss you" she murmured,
"I'll miss you too em" I answered genuinely hugging her again, we pulled away and she removed herself from the bed and headed to the door, turning one more time,
"I'll see you around punk,hopefully not in the hospital again okay" I grinned and nodded to her,
"Definitely em,bye" and without another word she left closing the door behind her,I leaned back against the pillow and sighed, I know I gotta tell jaimee I kissed Emily,as if she knew she was on my mind the door opened and in walked jaimee,
She paused and looked at me weirdly a look flashed across her features but it was replaced quickly with concern and love,she came over and sat beside me,
"You okay?" She asked tracing the outline of my chin with her fingers, I couldn't look at her,but I nodded,
"Umm I gotta tell you something babe..." I began but she stopped me,
"I know" I looked at her,her eyes were smiling she didn't look mad,
"What do you know?" I asked needing to be sure that she did,
"You and Emily kissed, you have lipstick smudged on ya,plus she left the room looking happy, I'm not mad babe honestly, I'm glad you attempted to tell me though" I was stunned and speechless,admiring her calmness i pulled her to me,
"I love you so much" I whispered as she snuggled into me doing her best not to be too much on me,
"I love you too babe" she answered and I've never felt more happy than right at this moment.

💥💥💥one chapter left to go,if you have made it this far thank you so much again for reading😊😊😊😊

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now