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Its been over two months since my interaction with jaimee's husband mark, that had gone surprisingly well although i still didnt trust him fully, we had kept true to our words being more careful together, jaimee bought a new car so whenever she was coming over she drove that car plus took a different route which was way longer but she never complained, she and mark made several public appearances making it seems as if they were stronger than ever, their relationship confused me because at times i believed myself that they were fine and i couldnt contain my jealousy, he was accepting of me though so for that i stayed humbled.  I have not spoken to my dad since we argued the night and i was furious that he refused to accept me, i was back at work and emily and i were on good enough terms, cara didnt seem to like me much anymore and whenever i mentioned it to alexis she laughed and told me that maybe it was my imagination because i turned  her down with all her advances, she still was not aware of me and jaimee and that was fine by me. at times i got extremly annoyed because i wanted to be out with jaimee, all this secret james bond shit had a whole lot of disadvantages, i sighed standing at the nescafe machine making a french vanilla latte,

"penny for your thoughts" someone asked and i spun seeing cara standing behind me, i smiled and shook my head

"just tired" i told her, giving her a sweep with my eyes, she had on a black jeans, white jordon sneakers and a blue tank top, she looked good i had to admit,

"like what you see?" she flirted and i smiled again wondering why she was being so friendly today, she had been giving me cold shoulder for the past few weeks now, she seem to read my mind as she cocked her head to the side looking at me intently,

" im sorry ive been a jerk, work stress, personal stress, im sorry" i nodded,

"hey its cool no biggie" i told her giving her a hug, at the same time that i hugged her jaimee rounded the corner and paused looking at us, i pulled away slowly not wanting to seem guilty, she cleared her throat,

"umm im sorry am i interrupting something here?" she asked narrowing her eyes at us,

"i wish you were" cara chuckled and I groaned inwardly knowing jaimee would not find this funny, she smiled at cara and moved away not giving me so much as a second glance, shit she is mad I thought, Cara turned to me,

"Sometimes I think she has the hots for you so she deliberately is mean towards you" she teased and I pretended to laugh at her lame attempt of a joke, she tried making small talk but seem to realize how awkward the air felt around us, bidding me farewell she left, sighing I took a sniff of my French vanilla latte enjoying the smell of it,  someone cleared their throat again and I face palmed myself feeling annoyed,spinning I turned to see  someone I thought I would never see again,
"Christina is that you" I pulled her into a hug before she could even respond to me, christina was the first girl I hooked up with when I just got here, we met at a party and started flirting before getting pretty drunk and ending back up at my place,we had continue seeing each other until she just stopped returning my calls and texts one day without an explanation,
"Alexis I can't believe it, what are you doing here?" She asked pulling away to look at me,
"I work here,what are you doing Here?" I threw the question back at her my eyes scanning her,damn she was mouth watering in a black skirt and white top,her stocking made her skin seem a little bit lighter than it was, my eyes traveled up the parts of her legs that was being revealed by the skirt remembering how I would normally trail my hands up them and how her body would respond to me, she cleared her throat and my eyes snapped back to hers,she had a twinkle in them and I knew she was amused at me scanning her and basically eye stripping her,
"You know its rude to stare" she teased
" can't help it, you look great" I grinned when she blushed,
"I see you haven't change much" she teased
"And I see you are still looking mighty fine" I responded making her blush again, we stood there looking at each other and smiling,
"So ummm where have u been?" I just had to ask, she stepped back slightly her eyes darting around looking suddenly nervous,
"I..iii... Ummm its complicated I'm sorry" she whispered, huh, she had gone from being cool and collected to pale and trembling, I stepped forward to ask what's wrong but she held her hands up stopping me in the process,
"Alexis look I'm sorry, I had to stop seeing you or else...." She trailed off,I was getting even more confused,
"Or else what?" I asked folding my arms and looking at her, she shook her head,
"'s nothing.. Um it was good seeing you,I gotta go can I get a hug" she asked stepping towards me after her eyes had finish scanning the place, I allowed her to hug me tensing briefly when she whispered against my ears  "be careful Alexis, there is someone out for anyone who gets close to you" she pulled back eyes filled to the brim with tears,
"It was good to see you" I stood there not sure of how to respond watching as she walked away, my phone beeped and I looked at the screen my mouth hung open in disbelief as pictures of me and christina hugging floated up to me from an unknown number, the pictures made us look even more intimate than the scene actually was,under the pictures was a caption that plainly said


"What the fuck" I muttered to myself looking around,there was no one anywhere nearby and there wasn't anyone here when christina and I stood together, my phone beeped again,it was from jaimee,

Meet me at the bathroom ensure no one sees you getting in there.

Like a zombie I walked towards the bathroom pausing to stop and talk with a few co workers, getting there I checked my surroundings,seeing no one I went in... Hearing the door click behind me after I stepped in I spun to see jaimee with a pissed expression on her face,she folded her arms,
" Care to explain the images I got" she growled and I started to explain checking each stall for anyone while I spoke.
"Look jaimee I don't know what is happening right now I wish I knew" I sighed,I knew definitely it wasn't Emily,I didn't even know her till after Christina. This was really beginning to tick me off royally, jaimee seemed to have felt how tense the air was,she moved to wrap her arms around me but I pulled back trying to not see the hurt expression that flashed across her features, I ran my hand through my hair as frustration rocked me,
" look jaimee, maybe we shouldn't see each other right now" I noticed how she pulled back her mouth hung in disbelief,
"What?" She whispered looking at me,I finally met her gaze immediately sadden by her teary eyes,
"Maybe its not such a good idea for us to be together right now," I was doing this for her,I needed to see Christina, I needed to talk to her,last thing I wanted was for jaimee to get hurt because of me,I raised my hand silencing her when she was about to speak,
"No jaimee, please try to understand I need some space right now,I'm sorry" I didn't want to hear what she had to say and I didn't stop to talk further knowing that if I didn't move now she would touch me and erase every sane thought in my head,I unlocked the door and paused to say over my shoulder,
"I'm sorry jaimee" with that being said I left,closing the door behind me softly.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. I tried to forget the image of Jamiee's tear stained face when she had left the bathroom, I wanted to go to her and comfort her But I couldn't I really didn't want anything to happen to her, hatred and frustration ran through me towards whosoever was fucking me over. I got home late that night not having to rush home to Bruno as trey had him, pulling In my driveway I sat in the car angry tears pooled in my eyes,I yanked my phone out and typed an angry message sending it back to the unknown number, I heard a beep and realized that the sound was in the car with me,I froze looking in the rear mirror sighing with relief when I saw I was the only one in the car, locking all doors,I dialed the number and placed the phone to my ears,hearing the ringing in the car I tensed when I realized it was coming from under the dash board, opening the compartment over the passenger side I saw a small burner phone placed there, my phone beeped indicating a new message from a new unknown number, I wasn't tech savy but I knew whosoever this was must be smart enough to link phones together, definitely not Emily I mused to myself, I pulled the message scanning it briefly,

Not a nice message you sent, someone will have to pay for your insult, since I'm not ready for jaimee, maybe Emily huh... Don't tempt me bitch, play nice. I can get you anywhere.

The message sent chills through me like what the flying fuck!!! I thumped the ceiling of my roof angrily wanting to yell,getting out I slammed my door and headed to the porch looking around wondering if the person was watching, I almost shitted myself when I saw a figure on my porch sighing when I saw it was only jaimee, grabbing her arms I opened the door quickly pushing her and myself inside closing it behind us,I drew every blinds and ensured that the house was lock,
"What the fuck are you doing here!" I whisper yelled,she grabbed me pushing me against the wall in the hallway,latching her lips on me she kissed me desperately with such passion and hunger my knees wobbled, I moaned into her kiss deepening it and pulling her lower half closer to mine, she whimpered a sound of need and my heart melted, we pulled away breathless and i pressed my forehead against hers,
"You shouldn't be here" I breathed out,
"Why??? tell Me why Alexis because dammit I'm not leaving" she cupped my face turning it to meet her eye contact, searching for answers, I sighed pulling her in the couch and filling her in on all the details, she listened closely narrowing her eyes when I mentioned Christina,when I was through she pulled back to look at me,
"I'm not leaving, we are going to go through this together" I nodded knowing it was pointless to argue plus I was drained. I stood up holding out my hand for her,she took it and I pulled her up to me,hands entwined we headed for the bathroom for a quick shower then dropping into the bed exhausted, I pulled her in for a cuddle, kissing her forehead as we drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now