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Jaimiee's POV******

How can i be so comfortable?? i didnt feel weird, i didnt feel like i shouldnt be here, instead i felt like i have known alex for a really long time, i stayed in the shower for almost half hour being contented and letting the water wash over me, her place was so homie i couldnt resist being extremly comfortable. stepping from the shower i grabbed the things she had laid out for me, towel, rag, toothbrush, she ensured that everything was there, putting on her tshirt off course it was large on me, i was way smaller than her, her smell immediately cloaked me and i closed my eyes and moaned, damn her shirt smelled so good, i wondered if she would let me keep it. the smell of her food made my mouth watered and i couldnt help it i found myself walking towards the kitchen, alex was there humming to a song apparently only she could hear and dancing weirdly about, amused i leaned against the door and watched her, she was completely unaware of her audience, the way she moved in the kitchen showed how familiar she was being there and the way her food smelled i felt bad i questioned her cooking ability, "do you need any help?"i asked her watching as she spun around to face me, running her hand through her hair she chuckled "how long were you there watching me stalker??" she teased throwing a towel at me, i ducked and laughed again she kept on surprising me with her playfullness, " i dont need no help though, thanks for the offer but i got this, make yourself at home" she turned back to what she was doing completely ignoring me, i wanted to walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist that's what I wanted to do,I looked at her curves and wondered how it would feel to be snuggled up into her, all these thoughts that were crashing into my head surprised me greatly like were where they coming from why the hell did I feel like this.

Walking over to the couch i dropped in it and again i moaned, it was so soft and comfortable, i saw her looking at me when i moaned and i blushed and hid my face into the cushion, grabbing the remote i decided to watch the tv until dinner was ready since she needed no help, i had no idea how long i sat there but i fell asleep, i awoke to alex annoyingly poking me in my side, "wake up sleepy head" she grinned, " you are so annoying" i muttered throwing the cushion at her, she ducked it of course and i stuck my tongue out at her, without warning she came up to me and lifted me from the couch throwing me over her shoulder and walking me to the table, i giggled and grinned like an idiot begging her to put me down, she placed me on the seat and i had to admit I was impressed, what i saw before me was mouth watering i wanted to dive in, i didnt even know the kinda chicken she did but she served it with pasta and vegetables and rice, simple but damn it smelt good and i havent had a home cooked meal for months i couldnt complain, she was watching me but i didnt care, i grabbed a fork and just dived in, "mhmmm oh my gosh alex this is sooo good" i moaned again smirking as i saw her blush " what kind of chicken is this??" i paused in between bites, "its a secret' she winked, I rolled my eyes she took her seat and started eating as well,we sat there in silence for a few just eating, "how do you like work so far?" I asked deciding to break the silence a little, she shrugged "its OK I guess, better than what I did before"
"What was it that you did before?"
"Worked at a restaurant, didn't pay much but it was enough to keep me up" she replied in a flat tone which made me wondered if maybe I shouldn't be asking all these questions, "tell me about you" I said softly hoping that I'm not pressing her too much, "I'll tell you everything you need to know all in a due time, tell me about you" she totally wasn't going to answer I realized, being more open than her I decided to trust her, so I told her about me,about how I grew up,the schools I went, what I liked to do,should I tell her that I'm married and about mark? I thought, I really didn't want to talk about him so I avoided that topic even though I saw her glance at my ring several times.

For the rest of the night it was mostly small talk for us,I could feel a friendship developing between us and I wondered if it was a good thing, she even taught me how to play her silly video game, even though I lost several times to her,she took pity on me and finally allowed me to win once,I glanced at the time and seeing that its way past my normal time to be up I told her I really had to go, she walked me to my car and as I got in she closed my door and leaned against the window, "wanna exchange numbers? I need to know that your home" she said handing me her phone, feeling mischievous I took it and stored my number as 😍💞lifesaver*,handing it back to her she smiled, we both looked at each other for a while,she ran her hand through her hair "well umm it was fun hanging with you, good night Jaimee" standing back from the car, "good night Alex,I'll text you when I'm home". I drove off and she stood there watching my car till i turned and I realized something new was happening to me, I was genuinely smiling.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now