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Emily's POV*****

I was still in a daze over all that happened, thinking back to after I left deciding to move away so as to not have to see alexis and jaimee together, it hurts like a bitch the fact that I lost alexis after falling in love with her,despite several warnings from Rita. I was still around for a while moping about being broken hearted and not really wanting to leave, I wanted to fight for Alexis but how could I compete when jaimee was everything I was not, so it came as a surprise when I got a phone call from a guy saying he is alexis best cousin and that she wants to get back with me,ready to hop on any opportunity I agreed to meet him at my former work place after he stated that alexis was there alone working overtime and sad because she was not with me and she wanted to talk, he said that it was best he came along just in case jaimee showed up it would not raise suspicion,the minute I parked in the parking lot and saw him I knew instantly that something was wrong, pushing aside the feeling though I went to him nevertheless with nothing but hope in my heart for a chance back with alexis,he seemed anxious once we got in the elevator and I noticed he had a limp and bruises on his face,we made small convo,him telling me he worked with the company as well so that's why he had access,I know now when I look back how stupid and naive I was and desperate just to be back with Alexis, the minute we got off the elevator his entire demeanor changed and he grabbed onto my arms, I tried pulling off from him but he had a pretty strong grip,next thing I know is he had a gun and was literally dragging me towards Jamiee's office, he had a key for the office and despite me struggling in his arms he still managed to fumble with the lock to open the door, I should have screamed I thought,the rest was still pretty hazy,I remember alexis catching Me as he threw me away like trash,I wanted to sob in her arms but I knew we were far from danger, I remember him getting alexis to move over to him,jaimee nudged me indicating to her office chair she inched towards it slowly, I stood there like a coward paralyze with fear, once his back was turned he pounced on alexis and I cried out for every brutal blow that he dealt her,jaimee however was calm and to my surprise she called out to him,he turned and shot her a murderous glare advancing towards her,she grabbed the office chair and heaved it at him so swiftly even he did not see it coming,I watched as he grunted from the impact and fell back the gun falling a few feet from me and it went off unexpectedly, I saw jaimee fell and watched as he tried getting up before being tackled by alexis,adrenaline rushed through me as I went for the gun taking it up gasping as i wasnt prepared for the heaviness of it.

Just as the maniac gave alexis the final blow he turned to me with a sneer on his face,he paused when he saw the gun aimed at him but that was only for a brief moment,he moved forward towards me,
"Do you know how to use that princess?" He laughed still advancing slowly to me. I fired and he paused with a surprise look on his face as he glanced down to see the blood seeping on his shirt, not being a good aim I had caught him in the shoulder instead of his heart like I hoped,
"You bitch!!" He screamed lunging to me I fired again but he was already on me knocking the gun from my hand, the bullet unfortunately did not connect him,I struggled fighting him off as best as I could aiming for his injured shoulder,the office door swung open and in walked Cara,she screamed something I could not understand or hear and his head turned swiftly to her, using the intrusion as a weapon I grabbed Jamiee's laptop and smashed it on his head causing him to fall,Cara being the quick thinking person that she was had analyze the entire situation and I could hear her making the emergency phone call and rushing over to jaimee calling her name and checking her,I rushed over back for the gun again grabbing it and walking back over to where he was writhing in pain, he was about to get up so I fired, the impact of the bullet knocked him back and I went over to him firing again,and again and a final time pretty sure he would not be moving again anytime soon,I dropped the gun and began sobbing uncontrollably hearing alexis calling for me I stumbled over to let her know I was there,jaimee groaned and relief went through me that she was still here,she may have taken my girl but that did not mean I wanted her dead,Alexis called jaimee but I'm pretty sure jaimee did not hear,she was struggling to get up and I was too exhausted to stop her,the tolls of the hits that I got from Brian finally hitting me I sank to my knees on the verge of passing out,I could hear Cara trying to stop alexis from moving,then the sirens then I welcomed the darkness.
End of flashback****

Now three hours later we were all at the hospital, the maniac was dead thank goodness, the police drilled us with question but after alexis incident they were able to connect both stories together, I had to defend myself so there wasn't much question as to if I would get to go home or go to jail, alexis was in and out of it but the doctor said she was going to be okay,after cleaning up my bruises and giving me medication for the pain I was feeling in my limbs, the doctor stated that I was free to go,I headed directly for Jamiee's room seeing that there were a small group of people there,I recognized alexis mom immediately and Cara,there was silence when I stepped in and my heart clenched with the fact that they were here for jaimee not for me
Cara interrupted my thoughts rushing over to me and pulling me in for a hug,
"Hey we tried to see you earlier but you were being questioned" she stated and I blinked, huh they tried to see me,my heart warmed at the thought,Alexis mom came over to me and pulled me in for a hug,she smelled like roses and I hugged her tightly,
"Cara told us what happened, for your bravery my daughter is alive and if there is ever anything you need please feel free to let me know" I nodded too overwhelm to respond,after several more hugs and them telling me thanks I turned to jaimee looking directly at her,they seemed to have sense the need for me to speak with her alone so after excusing themselves and closing the door I finally got the chance to,she looked like shit but luckily it was a shoulder shot, she was only knocked out because she hit her head on her desk whilst she was falling but she had no concussion and they said she will be fine after giving her meds for the pain of course,
"Hey" she whispered patting the bed for me to come sit beside her,
"Are you okay?" I asked her coming over to sit beside her,
"I'm okay because of you emily,you saved us" I watched as a tear trickle from her eye after saying this,
"Hey its okay, we all would have died if he had his way" I stated seeing her fumble with the sheet on the bed,
"Something on your mind?" I asked her, she sighed,
"Emily how did he get you?I thought you were away,I thought you moved so what were you doing at the office?" I smiled sadly,
"He told me he was her cousin and I could get alexis back, I was there for her" I had to be honest, she nodded and I waited for her to say something,
"I'm sorry" she whispered again and I blinked back the tears that formed,
"Can I hug you?" She asked suddenly and that caught me off guard but I nodded feeling her pulling me against her crushing me with a tight hug, I felt comfort in the hug and I hugged her back careful not to hurt her arm that was injured,I pulled back a bit and smiled at her,
"Will you be here when we are out?" She asked and I tensed a bit,I was about to say no but she interrupted me again
"Please don't go,I know it hurts seeing us emily but I feel like I owe you and I can't do anything in this position,please just don't go,not yet,I'm sure alexis would love to see you" she added at the end and my heart fluttered with the thought of seeing alexis but I nodded,
"You don't have to be alone either, you can stay at alexis place or even mine just don't isolate yourself" she continued,
"Its not that easy" I muttered sitting back from her, she nodded in understanding,
"But I'll stay for now" I agreed, we talked a little bit more before jaimee fell asleep,I pushed back the hair from her face looking at her, she was beautiful I mused to myself,sensing that someone else had joined us I turned to see cara,
"Hey badass you okay?"she asked coming over and I took her in,I never noticed before how tall or muscular she was,she was hot as hell in her black jeans and tshirt with her sneakers I thought,wait what was I even thinking, I looked away,she chuckled having caught me checking her out,I nodded realizing that I didn't answer her before,
"You look like you could eat?" She placed her palm against my cheek,and I almost leaned in to her touch, feeling myself blushing I pulled away,what was with me tonight I wondered,
"Yeah I could eat,I'm famished" I stated,she took my arms and pulled me up almost into her holding me steady,
"Well come on,I'm taking you to this place just five minutes away" I nodded and left with her.
We got there and we spoke, I told her that jaimee had invited me to stay over but I wasn't sure I wanted to,
"You could stay with me,you don't have to be alone right now" she chipped in and I glanced at her wearily,
"Do you not live with your girlfriend?" I fired at her, she smiled sadly,
"She hasn't been my girl for months now,she finally moved out,so its just me"
"I'm sorry" I began but she held up her hands
"Naa its okay,its her lost" she winked at me and we both smiled together. We went back to the hospital but jaimee was sleeping and alexis still wasn't awake,doctor said it was normal,her body had been through a great ordeal having not being fully recovered from her accident then her current injuries now but he told us she would be up in a day or two, exhaustion was seeping through me and cara seemed to notice this offered to take me to her place,I was too tired to resist so we left together telling alexis family we will be back the next day.
Getting there I was so greatful to see a bed that I dropped into it moaning as my body screamed in relief hearing cara laughter at my dramatic celebration, I felt that somehow we had gotten closer in the past few hours and that was my last thought as I fell asleep.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now