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Jaimee's POV****

I've been here at alexis place for three days now, I've left my calls unanswered unless it was from work, over the past days Alexis haven't even looked at me in any intimate kinda way,it made me even wondered if the night we made out even happened,she treated me like we were long lost friends, we laughed a lot we talked we discovered things about each other like how she was absolutely addicted to sweets and the fact that she could be the most caring and adorable person for a moment then she can be a really insensitive person the next, she had me feeling all these unexplainable feelings, like where did this leave me??? I was straight wasn't i? I mean cmon in college I was drunk and young I would have never thought I would willingly soberly want to be with a another female but alexis changed my perspective on all of that,I wanted her,I could admit that I did to myself but should I tell her? Sighing I glanced over at her, she got here about a hour ago and was really quiet so I stayed silent too not wanting to disturb her,did I over stay my welcome? The thought had me worried as I really liked it here, she was on her phone texting and I felt....wait shit!!! I felt jealous, my insides churned with jealousy, she smiled at her phone, getting up she headed to the shower and the phone was left on the couch hearing the shower I got up not being able to contain my curiosity,her phone was locked but I knew her pattern I've seen her....not that I was watching of course not...... I glanced quickly at her notifications seeing tons of texts(about 4messages) from this emily chick, I knew her she was on my department as well,ignoring the unread ones I pulled the ones that were already open

Em: I miss you
Em: I need you
Em: I need to feel you
Em: those lips today though

Feeling awful and guilty and annoyed I closed out and replace the phone were I got it but not before I saw one that said
Em: why can't I come over?

Was I cock blocking??? Or wait better yet was I finger blocking or tongue blocking,my head started hurting, I went out around the side towards Bruno's house, we had turned into fast friends over the past days,I wasn't a dog person before but Bruno was too adorable, he wagged his tail when he saw me jumping up placing his paws smack against my legs, I grinned and rubbed his head watching as he dropped rolled and exposed his tummy I knew he wanted me to scratch it and I knew where his spot was so I leaned in for the kill watching his eyes shut with pleasure his foot shaking with joy, deciding to take him for a walk which I've done these past days I got his collar and chain and headed towards the park nearby..

We were gone for maybe a hour and a half,I felt so carefree and happy as I walked back, seems I really needed it and Bruno did too, alexis was back on the couch playing her game so I flopped down in front her on the carpet "eww you smell like Bruno jaimee" she teased nudging me with her foot so I rolled my eyes " better than smelling like you" I muttered
"Haha someone is moody," she grinned, I shrugged taking the remote and turning the TV off in her game "jaiimmeee...." She whined. I grinned feeling mischievous "I'm hungry"
"What do u want?" You my inner voice answered, "Chinese food"
"Are you coming with me to get it?" She asked, "no I smell like Bruno remember, I'm gonna shower"
"I can wait" she replied
"No go I'm not coming" I said folding my arms,she glanced at me suspiciously then shrugged getting up to grab her keys "I'll be back in 20" and left.

The minute I heard her car I jumped up,not knowing what came over me but I wanted her,she maybe saw me as straight and confused but I was going to enjoy if it's even one night i was determine to let these feelings go and explore and tonight was going to be that night I told myself sternly,I had 20 mins,I ran to the bathroom being thankful that I didn't have to shave as that part was already taken care of,showering quickly i ran to the room digging through the few clothes that I had carry and also a few of alexis clothes that she had given me,deciding to improvise I grabbed one of her jersey and the sexiest panty I could find since I didn't pack for this plan, "this will have to do" I muttered to myself drying off in the towel, being completely naked I ran to the living room grabbing the candles that I saw she had there and started lighting them putting out the light,I placed one on the kitchen counter, the other on the floor In the hall way one at the door and one on her bedside table in the room,cheesy I know but as I said I was improvising, running now to grab the clothes I dragged them on,got my lotion and massaged it onto my skin then sprayed myself with a new vanilla scented spray(she had told me vanilla was her favorite flavor) and stood there looking at myself, my heart hammered wildly in my chest nervous and anticipating for Alexis to come home. I was waiting.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now