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Jamiee's POV***

With work being over I started my search for Emily intending to confront her about the note,she was no where to be found and Cara was still left in the office, giving up my search I moved to the parking lot,getting a feeling that someone was watching me I spun but there was no one there behind me, getting to my car I noticed another envelope,noticing other pictures there as well and another note

This does not have to go any further, leave alexis and stay with your husband,what more do you want?

I grabbed them as well and stuffed them into my bag,getting in the car I pulled out and drove away still feeling like someone was watching me. Shaking the feeling I decided to take another route to alexis hoping to stop at the mall to buy a gift for her not knowing what I wanted to get and also wondering if I should tell her about the notes and pictures, I haven't felt happy for so long I thought it would be best not to tell her and deal with whatever this was myself. Driving past a super market that I've never been I decided to stop there and get some grocery's as I've noticed that a lot of things was missing from alexis place, finding a parking space I got out and headed for a trolley.

Once inside I started my hunt not knowing what alexis liked from what she didn't so I just took random things that I saw there before and things that I liked, I was humming to myself, my good mood returning slowly I pushed my cart towards the snack section slamming into a cart pushed by a beautiful woman with a baby in her arms
"Oh shit I'm so sorry oh my gosh that was not intentional" I told her picking up the items that fell from her cart smiling when I saw all the cranberry juices remembering that it was Mark's favorite drink. She laughed "its okay its no big deal we all have accidents, like this morning I accidentally lost my fiancee's car key in the baby's bag" she giggled and I automatically smiled at her energy and friendliness, a male figure walked past me going towards her his arms stuffed with items to drop In the cart His face hidden, she giggled again
"Here he is" and as the items fell from his hands into the cart I froze, making eye contact with non other than mark himself, what the fuck is this. He looked at me startled and I folded my arms, the silence stretched between us and she looked at us,
"What are you doing here jaimee?" He broke the silence,
"Question is what are you doing here mark?" I responded curtly, he had lied to me that he was away, now don't get me wrong mark and I marriage was never for love or being in love, but he didn't have to lie that was not necessary I would have understood whatever he did because I know how things are with us,
"Do you two know each other?" She asked interrupting my thoughts and breaking the silence that had formed again.
" well honey,this is uhhh my friend jaimee, can you give us a minute?" I scoffed at him introducing me as his friend, she nodded,gave me a small smile and pushed away from us but the baby started crying and she cooed "awwww you wanna stay with daddy" she kissed the baby handing her over to mark,huh daddy!!my jaws dropped, He took the baby his face lighting up as the baby laid his head on his shoulder eyes closed, my eyes filled with tears knowing this was what I could never give anyone. I blinked them away, folded my arms and looked at him
"Well?" I argued
"Come on jaimee don't be like that" he responded eyeing me up and down,
" mark what the fuck!" I was getting angrier by the minute,
"Calm down jaimee, why are you even upset?" He asked calmly,
"You lied to me!"I yelled again wanting to slap him,the baby started crying in his arms and he looked at me seemingly upset,
"Do u have to be so loud jaimee?" He asked his calmness ticking me off even more,
"I will not be quiet so ur bastard child can rest peacefully mark" I gritted out between my teeth seeing his eyes flaring at the insult, he stepped towards me menacingly and I stepped back never seeing mark with such a furious look on his face,
"My bastard child jaimee????my bastard child!!!" He shouted causing persons to turn and stare, he continued "maybe if you had given me a child in wedlock we wouldn't be right here at this moment huh jaimee, we married because we both thought it was the right thing to do, for years we have maintained an image, we don't even have sex anymore,and u want to come play the jealous wife now jaimee?" He snapped and I silently looked at him as he rambled on about my unfairness, noting that I've gone silent He stopped and did the same, looking at me and seeing the tears welling in my eyes,
"Jaimee I'm sor...." He began but I held my hands up stopping him,pushing my cart I mustered a smile and walked past him,heading to cash out whatever items I took up,my good mood once more tainted.
Once I left my thoughts were all over the place about everything, for years mark and I have worked together, practically built an empire, we were both successful entrepreneurs and it just felt right to be married so we had gotten married not for love but because its what everyone else wanted especially my mom,thinking of my mom made me grimace, she would have a fit if mark and I had a divorce, what if she found out about Alexis she would ruin her in any way she could she hated the LGBT community,I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't realize how quickly I got to Alexis's place.I sat in the car lost in my thoughts and jumped guilty when I heard a tap on the window,my smile forming when my gaze landed on Alexis, opening the door I stepped out,
"Are you okay?" Was her first question her eyes scanning me worriedly, swear she was just the cutest, I nodded indicating towards the items on my back seat for her to get,
"What no hug before u start bossing me around?". She teased, rolling my eyes I hugged her feeling her tighten her grip pulling me in closer. She started peppering my face with kisses trailing it to my neck and I sighed feeling contented in her arms, suddenly I remembered the pictures that were taken and I stiffened against her,
"Hey what's wrong?" She pulled back studying my face and I tried to keep my expression as blank as possible,
"Nothing's let's go instead please" I told her scampering towards the house again feeling like I was being watched, I heard her getting in my car parking it in her driveway, then a few minutes later she came inside arms filled with bags, I was in the Couch watching her as she unpack each bag,ignoring her cheers when she came across her favorite cashew peanuts that I bought for her,after a while she came in the couch beside me flopping down throwing her arms over my shoulders,
"OK talk,what happened?" She asked,I shrugged,
"Nothing, it was just a really hard day today" I told her turning in her arms so I could crawl over her lap so I straddled her,I hugged her tightly sighing as I smelt her famous vanilla perfume I snuggled closer,
"Are you sniffing me right now?" She teased and I nodded feeling a smile forming on my face. My good mood returning slowly. I really found my self enjoying Alexis company more and more every day,there was just something about her that felt right and I haven't been at ease like this with anyone for years,
"Mhmm" I answered still snuggled against her,
"What are you thinking about" she asked again concern lacing her tone,I didn't answer In fear of my voice breaking,my eyes filled with tears as wave of emotions rocked through me unexpectedly, I wanted to tell her about the pictures, I wanted to tell her about mark, I wanted to tell her everything but I didn't,wordlessly I got up and headed towards the shower stripping ever so slowly knowing that her eyes were on me taking me in, when I finally got to the bathroom door I was fully undressed and I looked back at her knees going immediately weak when our gaze held and her eyes were darken and filled with desires, I smiled smugly at her knowing that I had an effect on her made me feel giddy,smiling i headed towards the shower. Getting in I turned the pipe on gasping as the cold water hit me full force, before it began to get warmer gradually. I took my time to lather myself with the soap caressing my skin slowly my eyes closed enjoying myself. A few moments later and I heard the shower curtain being pulled back and Alexis joined me in the shower, my heart did a double beat in my chest when I felt her hands pulling me against her, gasping once again as I felt the strap that she had on pressed against my back, I tried to turn to face her but she stopped me,her hands snaked their way up to my boobs cupping them slowly and I almost tipped over with the sensation that created within me, she kneaded both my boobs slowly pausing to flick my nipples between her thumbs while she peppered my neck with kisses sucking and nipping against my flesh.I moaned and arched back against her,
"I don't know how much longer I can stand" I murmured, the water massaged both our skins as we were still under the shower, I felt her nudging my legs apart to make space for her while her hands pushed me forward slowly making me bend slightly before her, then I felt her strap at my entrance and I shivered as my entire body screamed with anticipation of what was to come,ever so slowly she pressed into me and I cried out as she filled me completely with her strap, her hands held my waist as she stroked into Me pacing herself slowly before she started to move faster, my hands held on to the knob for the shower dearly as Alexis pace quickened, I cried out her name as wave after wave of pleasure took me over,
"Dammit Jaimee do you know how fucking sexy you look bent over like this" Alex whispered her husky voice
Sending shivers to my very core.
She pulled from Me so suddenly and I whimpered missing the closeness instantly,
"Aleexxiissss please don't stop" I almost sobbed willing to beg her if I had to, she spun Me around roughly and our gaze slammed together, there was a look in her eyes I've never seen and before I could ponder on it she lifted me, my legs wrapped around her waist instinctively and she pressed me against the shower wall plunging back into me so unexpectedly I had to cry out my nails raked against her back harshly as I gripped onto her my arms wrapped tightly around her neck, I could feel my pleasure building up and I knew that I was close to my release,she latched her lips on to mine kissing me deeply biting against my lips so sensually I felt it would undo me,she moaned against my lips continuing to drive herself in me my hands gripped onto her shoulders digging deeply I'm sure that would leave a mark, her lips were moving on my face placing kisses trailing to my neck she bit against the soft flesh,I arched into her pulling her deeper in me allowing myself to just let go,again wave after wave of pleasure was sent through me as she drove me almost over the edge,my orgasm had me trembling against her my lips latched onto her neck to prevent myself from crying out,I slumped against her exhausted all thoughts thankfully wiped from my mind,she chuckled lifting my chin to meet her gaze,
"Baby I'm not done with you yet" she whispered kissing my lips,still inside me she held onto me and stepped from the shower only stopping to turn the pipe off,the bathroom was filled with steam and I felt myself blushing slightly hiding into her neck as a new wave of desire rocked through me,I was ready all over again for her and that was my last sane thought as we got to the bed.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now