Chapter Sixteen

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Jamiee's POV****

I've been back home for a few days work was tomorrow and I haven't spoken with Alexis since I came back home. I missed her even more than I thought I would and mark sensing that I was moody has left me alone since I got back home,he asked where I was but I only answered that I was at a friends place and he thankfully left it there.I didn't speak to my mother either I avoided her as best as I could so it was a relief when Cara stopped by for a visit, we went into the living room and sat down talking about work and what I've missed out on, somehow the conversation switched to persons at work and sex
"So I saw the new girl at work with her tongue down another girl's throat" Cara chipped in and I started coughing,"whaattt,who??"
"It was Alexis,pretty hot too I haven't stopped thinking about her since I saw them" Cara responded and I felt my insides turn, "what do u mean your thinking about her?what about your girlfriend?" I asked my voice lacing with annoyance, she obviously didn't hear the annoyance in my tone, " well she is there but I don't know what she is doing when she is away from me,plus its not like I want to married Alexis,I just would let her fuck me, I mean damn jaimee she is really hot,have you not seen her?" Cara replied shrugging without a care In the world, I wanted to yell and throw something at her though I really couldn't be mad at Cara,if she knew about Alexis and I she wouldn't have even been looking in her direction but she didn't know,another thought crossed my mind when was this "Ummm Cara when did you see them kissing?" I asked pretending to be only curious "like it was three or four days ago,you should have seen them they looked really cute together" Cara gushed, I felt cold thinking about it. I felt nauseous and I felt pissed.
"Are you okay jaimee? you look sick" Cara said coming over to me, yeah I'm sick I thought, sick to my stomach with the thought of Alexis kissing someone else, I shrugged her concern off "I'm fine, was nothing" I lied, she believed and went back to describing what she would do to Alexis not knowing the discomfort I was in.
"Cara can we please talk about something else?" I tried not to snap at her,
"Oh come on,tell me you have never noticed how hot Alexis is maybe you should try feeling another woman its not so bad" she teased And I had to laugh, I've thought about it yes and I've seen how sexy Alexis is, I ran my tongue over my lip crossing my leg trying to ignore the built up sensation that was running through me thinking about her. Thankfully cara changed the topic and left shortly after mark and my mom came back from being out all day,
"Hey honey" mark said coming up to me and hugging me from behind, my mom stood a little bit from us watching with a smile of approval on her face
"Hey your back" I stated, duh jaimee my inner voice snapped. Mom went to start dinner and mark And I went to our room,
"Babe you look troubled"
"I'm fine just thinking about work"I replied flatly folding up his clothes for him and placing them in his drawers.
"You also seem distant since you have been back home jaimee"mark stated and I turned to him seeing his arms crossed and an unreadable expression on his face,
" is there something you need to tell me?"
"No there really isn't mark" I sighed not feeling in the mood for conversation,he looked at me then coming over he gave me a hug, I tensed a bit then relaxed it felt good for him to hug me but as usual it felt like a brotherly hug there was no spark or intimacy,it felt like a friend comforting another friend and it saddened me as I thought about Alexis and what her hugs felt like,my eyes welled with tears but I blinked them away because this was my life and I had to live with it, married to my friend whom I was not in love with, how much longer was I going to do this for I asked myself pulling from his embrace
" are you coming down for dinner?" He asked
"I have no interest in whatever that woman cooked mark"I stated flatly,he sighed
"You can't not talk to your mother jaimee"
" I don't want her here in my house yet you allow her to stay here, you aren't here but you want for me to play nice to someone who treats me like shit!!" I snapped. Mark sighed and ran his hands through his hair which reminded me of Alexis,
" I refuse to ask your mother to leave jaimee, you both need to sit and talk,I don't know why all of a sudden you are being so defiant but you need to get yourself together and start acting like the jaimee I know" and he turned to leave slamming the door behind him,I rolled my eyes once again thinking how much it felt like a big brother scolding a little sister whenever mark spoke sternly to me like that.

Getting myself ready for sleep I flopped down on the bed thinking about Alexis, thinking of her kissing someone else upsets me greatly but I know it's not my place to say anything, its not like I could just leave my life and be with her, my mother would surely catch a fit if I did that,what would mark say, what would people think of me? These thoughts plagued my mind and I forced myself to sleep.

Waking up I felt Mark's hand wrapped around me,its been a while since I woke to mark being at home in bed, His embrace was comforting but It still felt nothing like when Alexis hugged me,I slide from His embrace and got up stretching and yawning still feeling a bit tender even though its been days since I've had sex with Alexis. Taking a quick shower I got dressed for work,it was Monday but I didn't feel dressy so I grabbed on a jeans and a T-shirt with the company logo's on it and pulled on a sneakers, getting my car keys I headed down the stairs running into my mother
"Good morning jaimee" she stated but I didn't answer her,I headed to the kitchen making my self a cup of coffee and getting some fruits,
"Are you not going to speak to me your own mother?" She asked following me into the kitchen,I turned to take a look at her with my coffee in hand,
" for you to slap Me again mother? I have nothing to say to you"
"Then why do you have me here then If you aren't going to speak to me?" Hearing this I laughed and she peered at Me over her glasses "mother I don't have you here,mark does,if it was my choice you wouldn't even have my address,you can leave now and I still wouldn't care you invited yourself here, so leave when you are ready" I told her blankly seeing her eyes widen in disbelief, I've never stood up to my mother before and this was the second time, maybe mark was right I had become very defensive, maybe I was tired of persons walking over me,finishing my coffee I walked from the kitchen and headed to my car, pulling out I headed to work.

Getting there I scanned the car park for Alexis car and saw it, my stomach tightened with anticipation of seeing her, I stepped in and headed for the cafeteria looking also for Cara as well, I didn't have to Look long for her because as I glanced over at the locker section I saw Cara leaned up talking to Alexis and laughing at whatever was being said, I felt annoyed and walked over hoping to intrude on Cara's game as  I didn't want her near Alexis and the closer I got the more possessive I felt, Alexis looked up and our eyes met,I wanted to melt under her gaze but she didnt hold my stare long,she looked away and saying something to Cara she smiled and walked off before I even got closer.

Well that was hurtful I thought, stepping up to Cara I saw her eyes following Alexis walking away,I stepped in front of her  "earth to Cara you know that's stalkish right" I teased trying to appear cheerful,she grinned "jaimmeeee you are here, I know I just can't help it do you see how fine she is?" She gushed over Alexis, "Cara you have a girlfriend do you remember her?" I had to force the smile on my face. Sighing Cara shrugged "I know right,  well I struck out,I tried flirting she didn't flirt back then when she was warming up to me, she just got cold told me later and walked off" Cara stated as we walked towards our work area, I relaxed hearing that Alexis haven't fallen for Cara's flirting habits,a friend of ours came up to us and started talking to us but my mind was far away and my eyes searched for alexis but she was nowhere to be seen,after our convo was over I moved off with cara hoping to throw myself into work to lose thoughts of Alexis,Cara pulled at my hands and I glared at her "I gotta use the bathroom cmon" Cara said tugging me towards the lady's room, I rolled my eyes and followed her, the minute we pushed the door open I wish I didn't follow her, Alexis was there with her tongue stuck down Emily's throat,I stared at them In disbelief, Cara stared at them in awe, they looked back at us,Alexis glared at us for intruding, Emily looked guiltily away at being caught, I cleared my throat and walked away refusing to let myself acknowledge the painful feeling that was now going through me.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now