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Alexis POV***

Something was wrong, I could feel it but I didn't know what was, I lifted my head from the pillow my eyes squinted as the sunlight streamed through the blinds, jaimee was curled into my side sound asleep, we both needed to head out for work but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Have you ever been in your sleep and felt like you were being watched?? I had the strangest feeling that someone watched me sleep, I shrugged it off thinking maybe jaimee woke and was watching me,she was weird like that I smiled, she stretched beside me and I poked at her side knowing this would tickle her,
"Good morning to you too" she chuckled moving away from me to get up from the bed, she stripped down to her birthday suit and padded across the floor to the bathroom, my eyes followed her,my mouth watered and my hands shook, she was just so fucking sexy, my thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my door,I wasn't expecting any visitors, I got up and headed to the front door opening it to see two police officers, my brows knitted together in confusion
"Yes" I asked,watching as they took me in hoping jaimee would not show up right now,
"Maam I am officer Ryder,this here is Jackson,a 911 distress call was sent from this area last night but our operators lost the signal, do you know anything about that?" I shook my head indicating no,
"Maybe my neighbor mister Riley he is the neighborhood watch,have you asked him" I indicated toward my neighbor's house noticing his windows were still closed and his blinds drawn,he would normally be up by now that's weird I thought,again the feeling that something was wrong made the hairs on my back tingle,
"We checked there, no one answered, maybe he isn't home" good looking Jackson chipped in.
"Trust me he is home,I know where the spare key is,let me follow you guys to check on him" they nodded and I yelled into the house letting jaimee know I was going next door, we headed towards the house and I got the spare key from beneath the green flower pot,opening the door I called out, but got no answer, I saw the officers pull their guns and my eyes rolled, seriously what could a little old man do, my mind argued, an unsettled feeling came over me as I got closer to the living room where his window overlooked my front porch, what I saw there made my heart flip, mister Riley was on the floor,the look of death on his face, I could feel the vomit coming up and I rushed to the bathroom hearing the officers calling it in on their radios, I sank to the floor and wept openly,he was a sweet little old guy that loved Bruno as much as me,why,how,what happened were all the questions flowing through my mind.

I don't know how long I sat there, it was jaimee who came to get me and pulled me towards my house,I walked through the small crowd that formed outside in a daze not looking at any one in particular, I bumped into a guy accidentally almost falling but he caught me before jaimee could,
"Lo siento" he muttered in Spanish, eyes scanning me to see if I was okay,there was something familiar about him,I couldn't shake the feeling, his hands were still on me so I shrugged them off, nodding to him to let him know I'm fine I headed for my porch turning to see him still looking at me,I went in,jaimee closed the door behind us,but not before I turned to see him smile,that was weird and pretty creepy, jaimee tried comforting me but I let her know that I was fine,and started getting ready for work,not being able to shake the feeling that nothing would be okay for quite some time.
We left for work jaimee deciding that we go together not wanting to have me out of her sight, I stopped to ask the officers what happened, they told me mister Riley had a heart attack,
"So was he the one who called 911??maybe he was trying to get help in regards to his heart attack" they seem to think this over before Ryder spoke up
"We never found a phone for him or on him but what you are saying makes sense,we will do a sweep for the phone, if we don't find it then we will do further investigations" he sighed. I gave him my number telling him to call me and keep me posted, jaimee and I left with me driving the car to work,my mind ran back to the guy that had bounced into me,why did he look so familiar, where did I know him from,
"Babe" jaimee interrupted my thoughts,
"Mhmm?" I side glanced her not wanting to take my eyes from the road,she rested her hands on the back of my headrest her eyes piercing me,
" I'm Here for you" she whispered and I smiled.
"I know baby I know" was my reply and we continued the rest of the ride in silence.

Once we got to work we separated,I dived into my work trying hard to clear my mind, an arm snaked around my waist making me jump slightly, the familiar smell of roses floated up to my nose,it was Emily,she planted a kiss on my neck and I pulled away spinning my chair to face her,
"What's that about?" I raised my eyebrow at her,
"I miss you" she pouted, I sighed ,here I was thinking we were coming on fine,
"Cmon Alexis I've tried to rid my mind of you,I've tried to move on,I miss you, I'm in love with you" she whined coming up to me and taking my hands in hers, I felt eyes on us and my gaze snapped upwards to jaimee and Cara walking towards us,Cara smiling and jaimee with a slight frown on her face,I know she was jealous but I also know she wouldn't make a scene at work,
"Ohhh look at the pweeddiiee couple back together again" Cara squealed, I rolled my eyes,jaimee raised her eyebrows and Emily blushed,
" I wish" Emily chirped swiftly planting a kiss on my lip before I could even see her leaning forward, I could have sworn I saw her smirk at jaimee before she moved off excusing herself from us, Cara chuckled but stopped when jaimee looked at her,she cleared her throat
"Excuse me'she murmured leaving us there, jaimee folded her arms and narrowed her eyes at me,I shifted beneath her gaze feeling uncomfortable, I sighed,
"I think Emily has an idea about us and I think she is trying to annoy you honestly..." She raised her hand to stop me and I clamped my mouth shut, wordlessly she handed me a folder with work to be done,
"Check your email,we are behind schedule with completing our outbound calls okay" she told me sounding really formal, then she left without another word to me. I sighed and turned to the paperwork, grabbing my headset I turned to the computer screen to complete my work. Again with the feeling like I was being watch.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now