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Alexis POV***

It was the weekend, untangling myself from Jamiee's limbs I got up,showered and freshened up, grabbing a sweat pants and a jersey I started cleaning up grinning when I took up Jamiee's clothes off the floor where she left them when she was stripping for the shower teasing me, jaimee made me feel alive, I was hooked on her I had to admit I really liked being with jaimee she was a passionate lover and a lovely companion, she gave just as much as she got, my grin got wider when I remembered how she went down on Me after I was through pleasuring her,she woke every nerves in me and had me having orgasm after orgasm. Never before had another female made me feel like this, jaimee was special and I knew I was in trouble with how I felt about her,grabbing my phone I checked my messages and saw messages from Emily, we were on pretty good terms considering how we broke off,there was another message from an unknown number and I pulled it,frowning instantly when images of me and jaimee floated up to me, us kissing, us all over each other,there was a message under the pictures, all it said was

Leave her alone.

Rage burnt through me, who the fuck took these. I tried calling the number and wasn't surprised when I got no answer, still pretty upset I called emily,she answered as usual on the first ring,
"Hey babe"
"Don't fucking hey babe me" I growled not thinking rational not being calm,
"Waiiitt what's wrong did I do something" Emily asked and I paused,she sounded genuinely confused, I know her,she would be snobbish if it was really her,she would have been waiting on my call knowing how short tempered I could be,I looked at the phone now dumbfound and thinking really hard,
"Hello Alexis, what the heck is your problem?" I heard Emily asking me,
"Emily where have you been this past week? Did you come my side at all?" I asked listening closely for any changes in her tone, but her voice was steady, not hesitant when she answered,
"Why would I come your side? Alexis what is happening?" She asked, I ignored,
"Its okay just someone thought they saw you,I'll call you back" I gritted out, hanging up I started pacing back and forth not hearing when jaimee came out,I jumped slightly when her hands snaked around my waist,her face snuggled in my back,
"Why are you pacing back and forth like this?are you okay" she asked placing kisses where her lips could meet my skin,I pulled from her arms not wanting to be comforted right now,I spun to face her and she folded her arms looking at Me with a small frown on her face,she looked at me and raised her eyebrow which slightly intimidated me and like a kid I started telling her everything about the pictures and messages,noticing how white she had become I closed in on her and wrapped my arms around her in fear that she was going to faint,directing us both towards the couch we sat In it and I rubbed her back in a soothing gesture, she sighed and spoke to me with a slight tremble in her voice,
"I got something similar except it was at work" she told me quietly,
"What!!" I jumped up starting my pace all over again,
"When the fuck were you planning on telling me this?!" I yelled not caring when she cringed from me,she got up and headed for her bag,I watched as she took something and came over to me dropping it in my hands and going back in the couch, I scanned what she gave me in disbelief,
"Emily...." She started but I held my hands up to stop her,
"I don't think its her" I told her firmly expecting her to snap instead she nodded and didn't say anything further,
"So what do we do?" She asked and I flopped down beside her,
"We do nothing other than be more careful where we go, and what we do" I replied pulling her against me,kissing her forehead softly,
" so you still want to continue this,whatever this is?" Her voice broke a little and my arms tightened around her,
"Jaimee what did I tell you, let things fall into place,I'm not giving up without a fight just like that,I'm not gonna get scared off easily" I told her sternly meaning everything I said,
"Let's just be careful okay" she nodded and I heard her mutter
"I'm use to keeping up an image" my heart broke at the sadness in her voice and for a moment I hated who so ever this person was that was doing this.

We have been sitting in the house for hours, we ate in silence,watched movies in silence and finally when I couldn't take it any more I told jaimee to get dress and bring anything she would need for a night's sleep,she wanted to know where we were going but I ignored her,grabbing a few stuffs I went for her car and parked it at the back of my house,freeing Bruno from his chains we headed back to the front of the house meeting jaimee there at my car already ready and waiting, ensuring that the house was good I whistled for Bruno to get in the car,closing the door behind him.we both got in and I pulled away not noticing the black sedan that pulled out behind us.

We drove for hours in silence only speaking when necessary like if she wanted to stop and pee,or if she wanted to get something,Bruno laid fast asleep on the back seat already familiar with this road he knew we were heading home.
" why do we feel so tense?" I chipped in breaking the silence,she sighed
"I just have a lot on my mind and you seem to be in your own thoughts" she shrugged,I grabbed her hand in mine rubbing her knuckles gently I raised it to my lips kissing her hand softly, for the first time looking in the rearview mirror I spotted a black sedan car, not wanting to alarm jaimee I watched speeding up a bit and noticing that the car sped up too,making several unnecessary turns I watched as the car followed us on each one,definitely certain that we were being followed I rocked my brain not wanting to take trouble home with me to mom,jaimee was unaware of what was taking place and I didn't want to alert her to what was happening,I sped up a bit more cutting in between lanes angering the drivers that I cut off,I felt Jamiee's eyes on me and did my best to act as casual as possible even though I'm pretty sure my heart was going to tear itself from my chest, familiar with where I was I made several turns until the black sedan was no longer in sight, I took the back route to mom's getting there half hour later than the time I had planned. Again I felt Jamiee's eyes on Me and I chose to ignore her again.we got out and I took our bags from the car,mom opened the door as we approached the porch her eyes sparkling as she pulled me into a warm hug,
"Hey mom I missed you too" I chuckled spinning her small figure around making her laugh, she straightened herself turning to face jaimee,
"And uhh who might this be?" She asked eyeing me wearily, my mom was open to my status but thinking me and Emily to be together she wasn't one who would tolerate me bringing another girl, my eyes snapped to jaimee as she looked back at me amused and waiting for my response to my mom,
"I..uhhh...Mom this is my girlfriend jaimee not emily she was not expected to come and meet you"
I rushed out my face flushed as the words tripped from me, mom looked at us and smiled,
"I knew something was up when you rushed out like that with her" she muttered, opening her arms she pulled jaimee in for a hug kissing her on the cheeks,
"Well hello there beautiful welcome to my home, gosh your short but real pretty good choice Alex" mom gushed and I laughed at the blush that was forming on Jamiee's Face, a dinging sound from the house interrupted us,
"Oh dearie my cookies,I forgot" mom shuffled back towards the inside pulling us both in with her,once inside and seated with glasses filled with orange juice mom rushed to the kitchen,
"How did she get us orange juice that quickly?" Jaimee asked,the tension now eased between us a bit,I nuzzled against her neck kissing her skin
"I dunno,when I was younger I thought my mom had super powers I still do" I grinned, kissing her smack on the lips,
"U introduced me as your girlfriend?"she teased and i groaned,
"And so what if I did?" My hands tickled her side making her squirm, she giggled,
"Well am I your girlfriend?" She asked and I paused pretending to really think about it earning a punch on my shoulder,
"Ouch! Is that any way to treat your new girlfriend?" I told her laughing at how wide her eyes got at my declaration,pulling her in for a kiss we both jumped when I heard some one clearing their throat,my grin widened Even more when I saw trey and my two sisters.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now