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Jamiee's POV****

I shouldn't have answered, I shouldn't have answered, I shouldn't have answered my inner voice chanted,Even after I drove off from Alexis I could still feel her lips on me, I felt a constant throbbing between my legs, If I was sexually frustrated before It was even worse now. I sighed. My mom had choose to call at the most inconvenient time, I regretted answering, why the hell was she even here I wondered. The drive home was quicker, I basically pounced through the door, and there she was in the living room waiting for me, mark wasn't here, the one time I would have wanted him here by my side,I needed strength to deal with my mother,she stood up and hugged me and my hands coldly stayed at my sight
"Your hair looks like a mess my dear" she snapped running her hands through my hair,I sighed here goes the snobby comments,
"Mother why are you here?" I asked,
"Where is mark? why isn't he at home? do you not know how to keep your husband home?" She retorted ignoring my question,I sighed I felt like I was about to lose my temper on my mother, did I really leave Alexis for this,
"Mother why are you here? How did you get in?" I asked again
"Is that any way for you to question your mother, I know where your spare keys are" mom replied rolling her eyes, I sighed again, "where are you coming from?" My mom asked eyeing me suspiciously, "ur jersey is on inside out and u won't look at me in the eye, were you with someone?"
"No mother I wasn't with someone, I took off the jersey to change for gym when u called" my mother looked at me not believing a word I said, she clucked her tongue and moved around looking at the place, "I looked there is nothing here really to even cook, I see your husband is never home,surely I raised you better" I felt anger boiling in me,enough!!my inner voice yelled,I counted to ten slowly taking a deep breath and spoke, "mother what does it matter if mark is here or not, if he leaves its cause he chooses to,why are you so focus on my life mother and whatever happens, its my life,and if you are going to stay here why not go to the supermarket and get something for yourself, mark and I hardly are here to use the kitchen, we work!!! We don't happen to have riches laying around that was left to us,we have to work for it!!!!!!" I yelled tears streaming down my face, taken aback my mother's mouth hung open, before I knew it my mother's hand landed across my face, the force of the slap sent me reeling across the room into the cabinet, glasses fell to the floor and shattered cutting me on my hands and feet, I ran to my room, grabbed some clothes and ran from the house I tried calling Mark, I tried calling Cara no answer from either "ughhh!!!" I screamed as my car peeled from the drive way.

I drove, I drove until night has fallen, not knowing where to go,not wanting to go anywhere that mark or my mom or anyone could find me,I stopped and pulled over,thinking about my mother and I,it has always been bad since dad died,my mom resented me and I don't know why but she has never laid a hand on me before I rubbed my cheek feeling a slight bruise from her ring,looking around at where I was, I gasped in surprise, I had driven subconsciously to Alexis house, I got out slowly looking up only to realize she was on the porch staring out at me, I walked slowly towards the house and right into her arms ,the minute I felt her arms around me I broke down in tears, "shhh what's wrong jaimee?" She asked rubbing my back, she tilted my face seeing the bruise on my cheek," jaimee who did this?was it your husband?" She snarled,I shook my head indicating no "my mom and I was arguing and she slapped me" I felt her tense, wordlessly she pulled me towards her hugging me tightly. I gotta admit this felt so good with her arms wrapped around me rocking slightly she comforted me,"cmon" she whispered taking me up in her arms and carrying me into the house, I thought she would place me on the couch instead she walked straight towards the bedroom and I blushed slightly when her huge bed came in view realizing that we were heading straight for the bed. Once we got there she laid me down so gently it was as if she was afraid I was made of glass it felt really good to feel the concern pouring from her,that was the last sane thought before I drifted off to sleep letting go my worries and my exhaustion.

Alexis POV***

I looked at jaimee sleeping man she was a sight for sore eyes my fingers gently brush the bruise on her cheek, was it to feel strange having her here, still not knowing much, if it was to feel weird I really had to admit it felt oh so natural,I hated the fact that she left, but I understood. Long after I was on  the porch and she drove up seeming so lost in thoughts it took everything from me to not go to her at the very same moment that I saw her,in one smooth motion I stripped her placing her into more comfortable clothing, she murmured in her sleep and I stilled wanting to not wake her up I planned on sleeping on the couch but before I could move jaimee wrapped her arms around me subconsciously and snuggled into my chest still fast asleep. The feel of her body pressed against mine was so good I felt myself drifting to sleep as much as I didn't want to, a beep came on my phone indicating a message

Emily: hey
Me: hey beautiful
Emily: missing you
Me: you do?
Emily: 😔 do you not believe?
Me: prove it to me when you see me😉
Emily: ok lol

I felt jaimee stirr so not wanting to disturb I turned the phone off and drifted back into my peaceful sleep with a gorgeous babe wrapped against me,I know I shouldn't feel so good but fuck,this felt nice.

The morning I woke up knowing I had to Go to work, I spent 15 minutes trying to untangle Jamiee's limbs from mine,I showered, got dressed wrote a note and just as I was about to leave I glance at the sleeping beauty in my bed, giving her a kiss on the forehead I couldn't resist not doing that,I grabbed my car keys and left. I was very early for my shift, glancing around I saw emily ,she had on an office suit gray skirt,black blouse and black stockings, her hair was wrapped in a bun and she had on no make up yet Still managed to look drop dead gorgeous, she met my eyes and smiled,I mouthed to her one word 'bathroom' and left to meet her there,
What are you doing? My inner voice asked, shut up! I snapped to myself,getting there I waited breathing a sigh of relief upon seeing the bathroom empty, emily showed up shortly after,hugging me and kissing me the moment she saw me "hey handsome"she breathed against my neck, I grabbed her hands and headed to a stall closing the door behind us, she was about to say something but I silenced her with a kiss hoisting her skirt and covering her pussy with my hand in one go,she moaned and bit my lip causing me to push her up more against the wall, I ripped her stocking and heard her gasp in response,she was about to protest about her stocking but I deepened the kiss slid her panties to the side and shoved two of my fingers in her roughly, I felt her legs trembling her arms wrapped tightly around my neck and she met my fingers with every thrust that I thrust into her, "Alex what has gotten into you?" She moaned, I trailed my lip to her neck, and bit her softly,she cried out and I felt her tighten around my fingers I knew she was close to cumming, continuing my pace I used my other hands to grab her boobs and bit her neck again,crying out again emily trembled and braced upwards against me getting even tighter and warmer on my fingers,she was shaking slightly so we stayed like that for a brief moment and you could hear us panting heavily in the stall,pulling out my fingers Emily slumped against me exhausted from her climax "I guess you really missed me" she chuckled, I blushed and kissed her lips whispering against them "I can't resist you"

The door opened reminding us where we were and we stayed silent hoping that who ever it is would leave soon,fortunate for us they did and we started laughing like two teenagers in high school getting ourselves back together for work "you destroyed my stocking" emily accused narrowing her eyes at me "I'm sorry they were in the way" I grinned, "cmon em,you still look sexy" I stated kissing her neck,she rolled her eyes and went out of the stall, I heard water running and stayed back a few waiting for her to leave,she did and I exited the stall going over to the pipe to wash my face and hands, I was now late for my fucking shift.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now