Heroes of Dreamland, Book 6: Kirby and the Fountain's Fate

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Forgetting is almost always a very dangerous thing to do.

How little he remembers of me now; how little of his previous circumstances he seems to recall. Yes, I was a great threat to him, but then greater problems arose and I was shoved off to the side. I will make him regret this, this grievous mistake he has made. Even if he has forgotten me, as if I were of no import, I have not forgotten him. I have not forgotten the way his existence mocks mine, the way he claims to be me, when he is nothing but weakness incarnate. Truly, I am strength, even if he claims I am not.

My plans for revenge are still laid out, and the time for them to culminate draws ever closer. This time, I will not be foolish enough to rely on another for help. This time, I will do it all on my own. And this time, I will not fail. For victory is my destiny.

He will pay. They will all pay. Yes, they will all pay dearly...


How easily I have been forgotten. It's pathetic, really.

Not even considered a true opponent, a real enemy; to her I am nothing but a shame and something to be ignored. Her 'copy,' not even my own being in her eyes, just a dark piece of her brought to light because of a moment of her own weakness.

Maybe it is true that her dark side is what brought me into existence, I will admit this even if the other 'copy' I know will not. Without her inner darkness, I would not be. But yet, I am more than just her 'copy,' far more.

The first time we fought, I was the victor. I showed my strength and power; I showed which of us was the greater. But before my plan of revenge could be carried out, she was rescued by the original source of another. No matter. I will find her, and I will be the victor again. But this time, I will leave no possibility of a rematch.

Firmly, I believe that I am my own being apart from her. Maybe I am held prisoner by the curse of the Mirror; maybe my existence must be tied to hers in that if one of us falls, both of us fall, but there are ways to change that. There are ways to change anything. You just have to have enough power, and power is something I have in abundance. With no 'conscience' or any other silliness holding me back, I can take whatever I want for myself by my own abilities. That is something she would never be able to do, and that is why I am the stronger between the two of us.

This time, I will not deign to assist any other. This time, I will do it all myself. And this time, she will not make it out alive. This I promise.

Never again will the cherry blossoms float past on the breeze, not once I have had my way...


My original has fulfilled his destiny, a destiny that almost resulted in my own end. I'm weak, I've always been weak, and I probably always will be. But there's still a tiny piece of me that has hope. Someday, I'll be stronger. Someday, I'll be a hero in my own right. Someday, people will remember my name just as fondly as they remember his.

It's little bit embarrassing, but I have to admit that I envy him- but only a little, little bit. Maybe I'm just the copy of his dark side, doomed to never amount to anything, but... I'm almost ashamed to say it, but it hardly seems fair. Everybody knows and loves him; everybody is grateful to him for saving them. It's not fair; I fought too! Just like him, I was almost taken forever! But is there any celebration for me? Is there anyone that's particularly glad that I made it? Of course not- not that I really deserve it, or anything. I'm just an extension of him; just his copy; nothing special.

Why am I even thinking about this? I don't deserve honor or glory; I'm not even really my own being. He's the hero; I'm just the copy.

Just the copy...


If only the little 'heroes' realized the situation they have placed themselves into, they would all be very frightened, frightened right down to the core.

The Dimension Mirror has yet to be healed, and so, it still copies only the dark sides of those whom it chooses to copy. And not long ago within our world, a terrible evil returned after hiding away for centuries. Not long after, he was taken somewhere else, but not until after I came to be.

He had a very, very powerful dark side, and that is who I have come to be. In fact, he and I are nearly identical, much more so than any other 'orginal and copy' duo that has ever come to be.

In fact, we are so identical that I'd even go so far as to say that I am he. He may be gone, never having returned from that other world, but I am still here, and I still have the same ambitions that he did. Maybe our only difference is that I do not have even the slightest whisper of Light within my soul, not even the tiniest sense of restraint from doing whatever I wish to do, and not even the most miniscule breath of regret for any of my actions. But then again, he hardly did either, so maybe there's not even much of a difference there.

I and my 'original' share nearly the same memories; I know the sort of situation that he found the 'heroes' in. And so, I will bide my time and let the other 'copies' have their fun, but I won't wait for long. Nay, not long at all. As soon as either side seems to have the upper hand, I will make my appearance and destroy all of them.

Ye were hoping I was gone, weren't ye? Sadly for thee, fate seems to have different plans in store. Nightmare is gone, and now it is finally my turn to rule. For a long time, I have held a title of power, but now it is time for me to increase my power even further, to a point where none will be able to challenge it.

I require the assistance of none; I will take everything for myself on my own. Yes, I look forward to this immensely. It fills me with excitement every time I think of it. But for now, just like a predator, I wait.

Soon, and very soon, I will strike. And once I do, they will all be forever diminished.

Only a few would be able to stop me, and they will be too weak to do so after fruitlessly fighting their 'copies.'

Long have I waited for this time, and maybe my original was not able to fulfill his ambitions, but I will.

Anyway, I suppose you're ready to return to the story of those pathetic 'Heroes of Dreamland...'

Return if you must, but know that they will not be there to protect that land much longer...

Welcome, dear Reader, to Kirby and the Fountain's Fate. Check out the first letter of each of the last five paragraphs of this chapter. I had fun leaving a little 'Easter egg' there for you all. MWAHAHAHA

Additionally, I do not own or claim ownership of any of the official Nintendo characters, locations, names, logos, etc. etc. ad infinitum or any other copyrighted material. However, I do claim intellectual property to all of my OC's and personally-created locations, names, etc. etc. ad infinitum, as well as property and rights when it comes to this series of stories. Please don't copy this story to other sites without my permission (not including quote arts) or try to claim it for your own. If you see someone doing that, please let me know. All right, thanks all. ^^

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 6: Kirby and the Fountain's Fate (OLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz