Fighting Our Reflections, Part 1

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Kirby's POV:

Magolor sure seems upset... I hope nothing too terrible's going on. It seems like the trouble just keeps piling up into a bigger and bigger volcano sort-of thingy, and anytime it's all gonna go 'BOOM' and have us all stuck in some giant mess. Just hopefully not actually lava... That would be a really hard mess to get out of.

Me, Sakura, and Meta Knight are flying through town back towards the Lor, while Mags and Bandana run down on the ground. Suddenly, though, something whizzes right by me, making me give a yelp.

"What is it?" Sakura demands as she immediately starts hovering in place and looking back at me while everyone else keeps moving. "Everything all ri- Ow! What the Shotzo was that?"

The little white blur that shot past me just ran right into her side, zoomed up, and is now coming back down for another airstrike. With a groan of annoyance, she times herself and then grabs it out of the air as it launches itself right at her face. "Gotcha. What's your problem, doohickey?"

With a frown, I fly closer. "It looks like some onnergami or whatever it's called. But why was it attacking you?"

Giving a half-smile, Sakura corrects, "Origami," while turning it over once or twice in her gloves. "A paper butterfly again, huh? Well, at least I can guess the sender quickly enough..."

As she starts to unfold it, I impatiently fly back and forth. "Whatever it is, can't it wait till later? There's kinda a lot going on right now..."

"Hush a second," she disagrees as she starts drifting in the Lor's general direction again and skims through the note. A second later, she growls and crumples it up in her gloves, and then suddenly changes direction. "It's from Dark Sakura, like I thought. She's got Shadow. Come on, we have to go help him."

Still feeling a bit worried about the others, I start hovering and look at her and then over towards the Lor Starcutter again. "We should help Shadow, definitely. But... do you think the others will be okay?"

Sakura seems pretty torn, too. "Obviously we need to help Shadow, yeah. But what are the others up against?..." Finally, she groans and takes off toward the Mirror World. "The others have more numbers; Shadow's got nobody. We have to go help him right away."

I think about offering to go help the others, but she suddenly turns and beckons me to follow. "Come on. I don't know my way around the Mirror World; you'll have to show me how to get to Candy Constellation."

Crossing my paws, I follow after her with a sigh. "That's like as deep into the Mirror World as you can get. I wonder why Dark Sakura has him there? There's nothing too special there..."

In no time at all, (thanks to me taking out my Warp Star and giving us both a lift) we've made it to the Mirror World entrance. But just as Sakura takes off from the Warp Star to jump in, I get a really bad feeling about things.

"Sakura! Wait!" I shout after her. Thankfully, she freezes and waits for me. Cautiously, I use my wings again and put my Warp Star away and then carefully fly to the other side of the Mirror from her. "Make sure no one's inside," I whisper, and she nods and slowly counts to three. At three, we both take a quick look inside the Dimension Mirror before ducking out of the way again.

"Great. Dark Meta Knight's guarding the entrance," Sakura groans under her breath.

Crossing my paws, I mutter in agreement, "And he's got Dedede and Escargoon, too. What should we do?"

"Glubbleschlop," something suggests slurpily, making us both give each other an 'oh, Shotzo,' kind of look.

"Dark Matter?" Sakura guesses. I can't think of anytime she's run into it, unless she has on her other-time adventures, so I'm pretty sure she's never fought it before.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 6: Kirby and the Fountain's Fate (OLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ