The Plot Quite Literally Thickens

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Dark Sakura's POV:

Ah, the nighttime. The very best time of day, at least when you're a mostly-nocturnal creature like me. So much easier to hide, so much easier to remain unseen, and so much easier to find and do whatever my evil plans require.

After getting to Whispy Woods early this evening, it took me awhile to find what I was looking for. It got annoying, really, trying sooo hard to find something only to keep running into dead ends. But finally, I found my goal hiding in the leaves of a tree. After that, it was an entirely simple 'matter' of getting it stirred up enough to lead me back to its source, pun completely intended.

You see, what I was looking for was some Dark Matter. I'd heard that there was some hanging out here in the area, but I had no idea how much. Sadly for me, it looked like just a small glob or two, which is hardly enough to cause much trouble at all. But luckily for me, I know the way to get Dark Matter to lead you back to its 'home' thanks to all of the books I've read. Yes... you really can find all sorts of useful information in books, can't you?

Anyways, the way to get Dark Matter to run along home is really rather easy. All you have to do is find a splotch of it small enough to find you a major threat. Then you just poke at it with a stick or whatever until it gets frightened and runs away. And Dark Matter will only ever run to one place: whatever place it first came from.

So now I've been chasing after the blob as it slimes along the ground ever since I found it around six-ish this evening. By now, it's probably nearly midnight. While I'm getting impatient and actually ended up leaving the Dark Matter behind in the dust awhile ago, (since Dark Matter will only travel in a line that runs exactly straight to where it wants to go, oozing right over anything that gets in its way,) I didn't really mind for quite awhile earlier on. There's nothing quite like running flat-out along the ground in a graceful cat-step, after all, and whenever I get tired of that, I can just spread my stylish bat-wings and take to the air. Plus, it's especially fun when I run into some woodland creature that's trying to settle down for the night and get to pounce on it and scare it into running off into the shadows. Sure, I'm not feline or feral enough to actually want to eat them (my tastes stick more to the refined, like chocolate, sweet cream, sushi, sashimi, and caviar), but a nice game of cat-and-mouse never gets old.

However, just running in no particular direction is starting to get a bit boring. And I hate being bored... Having fun is so much more enjoyable. Typically, fun isn't too hard to find, but at the moment... Meh. I wonder if this Dark Matter came from someplace so far away that I will never-


"Shotzo, nya," I hiss angrily as I rub my head and flatten my ears from where I landed in a sitting position after running into something hard. "What was that, nya?" Getting back up on my feet, I narrow my eyes and reach out slowly, only to have my paw-glove come into contact with something smooth and hard, almost like a glass wall or mirror. Growling in a cat-like way in confusion and irritation, I narrow my dimly-glowing eyes that are good at seeing in the dark and try to notice anything that looks out of place, or any clue as to what I've just run into. It looks like there is still woods and grass beyond, which is why I didn't notice the wall at all until I ran flat into it.

For a minute, I can't see anything out of the ordinary, but then I frown and turn and inspect the woods behind me. After turning between the wall and the trees a few times, I grin to myself in satisfaction. "It's a mirror, nya. This shouldn't be too much trouble; I know more about mirrors than practically anybody else, after all."

Reaching out a paw-glove, I trace my hand over the glass-like surface as I begin to frown in concentration. "Now, why would anyone put a mirror here, nya, unless some squirrel likes looking at themselves or something? And how far does it go?" To answer the second question, I take flight and fly for about five minutes from the original spot in each direction; left, right, and up. When I don't come to any sort of border, I go back to the original point and start to think again.

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