We're All Packing Our Bags (er, Boxes)

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Magolor's POV:

(Back where 'We're Ba-ack' left off)

"Heyo, everybody," I call out cheerfully as I open the door to the medicine shop, causing a bell to ding-a-ling and announce mine and Bandana's presence, me grinning to myself all the way. This boring old place should be hopping pretty soon now that I'm here. After all, 'Mr. Life of the Party' is my middle name. Yep, Mago- Mr. Life of the Party... -Lor... Yeah, it sounded better in my head. Wait, this still is my head. You're just hearing my thoughts because Author Lady is some sorta creeper that hears all our thoughts and then writes them down for you readers to see, but I'm apparently the only one who is intelligent enough to figure all this out. Poor simple other mere mortals surrounding me, what would they do if they knew some teenage Human girl knew their every thought?...

Magolor, do we really have to do this every single time I let you have a turn being the POV for awhile?

Yes. As you recorded Madam Byte saying a few volumes ago, 'My head, my rules.' So there.

Have you already forgotten my threat against the Starcutter's life about two 'volumes' ago?

No, I haven't forgotten, you blackmailer.

So quit breaking the fourth wall, or I will break your ship and make it go "'boom' with lots of fire," to refer to a line from Ye Olde Knight of Meta from the same volume you first quoted.

Fiiiiiiine. Hi everybody, I'm just a happy little book character in a happy little book world with no self-awareness or anything. La-dee-dah, where was I? Oh, yes. I was celebrating the fact that the current happy little book setting just had its AWESOME factor upped by at least 40%.

"The Marvelous and Magnificent Captain Magolor of the Magolor&Co. Shipping Company has arrived! We got our shipments taken care of a bit quicker than we expected, so we thought we'd come help you guys out."

With a grin, Sakura welcomes us, "It's good to see you guys, but how'd you manage to get all of your work done that was supposed to be done tomorrow morning by early afternoon today?"

Shrugging innocently, I remind her, "I've got a little thing on my side called an 'inter-dimensional' drive. Now that Arthur's gang fixed up whatever Swordie and Bladie ruined a little over a year ago, I'm back in the magically-hopping-dimensions business."

Meta Knight glares at me sourly, muttering something about me being an 'insufferable ingrate.' He should talk, Mr. Frequent Freeloader on My Ship.

Meanwhile, Sakura giggles and advises, "Just don't hop so many dimensions that you get lost, okay, 'Lor?" She seems happy to see both me and my Waddle Dee cabin boy/junior crew member, but you can tell that she's especially happy to see Bandana by the way that she gives him a huge hug, which he groans and wriggles out of as fast as he can.

Chuckling, I turn to greet Meta Knight, who in typical Meta-Not fashion is still busy glaring at me with now orange-in-irritation eyes. "I'd say it's simply wonderful to see you, Meta-Not, but it really isn't all that wonderful, or good, or lovely, all that. But even so, how's tricks?"

Huffing, he practically drops the big jar of candy he was holding into a padded crate and then dusts his gloves off against each other. "'Tricks' were much better before you showed up, Magolor, but otherwise 'tricks' are going just fine, thank you just the same."

Snickering a bit, I go over and shift the poor, unloved jar around so that it's not sitting in the box at a 45-degree angle anymore. "Well, you knew I was bound to show up sooner or later, and out of the beautiful goodness of my heart, I decided to come help you yahoos."

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