And Heeeeeeeere's Fumu!

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Fumu's POV:

With an annoyed huff, I impatiently get up, push the book I was scanning through back onto its shelf, and then sit back down at the table and pull another book out of the stack I'm looking through. I could swear that the number of books here in the castle library has gone way down since I was last in here several years ago. Dedede's probably been selling them all to pay off his old debts to NME. You know, I wonder if anyone's ever told him that you don't have to pay for something anymore once the seller is dead... The boxes of Deden that he sends every couple of months are probably just piling up on Nightmare's old, abandoned doorstep. Seeing as how that's on Star World now, maybe some Star Warriors are finding the cash and putting it to good use, although I bet Deden is worth absolutely De-nada anywhere in the Galaxy other than Dreamland.

You're probably wondering where I've been the past several years and why you haven't heard anything from me. The answer is fairly simple, actually. I'm sure you remember how back when Kirby seemed to defeat Nightmare, Dedede's castle ended up as nothing but a pile of rubble. Even though it only would've taken (and did end up only taking) a month or so for all of the Waddle Dee to build it back to exactly what it was before, Dedede decided that he was sick and tired of me and my little brother Tuff helping Kirby out all the time, and therefore banished my whole family to a distant and mostly-deserted area of Dreamland. Things weren't too bad, except for the fact that our only company was a lot of minor monsters who tried to steal our stuff and such all the time.

Anyway, several months ago, I wrote a letter to Sir Meta Knight (who I'd been keeping in touch with occasionally over the years, since after all he saved me and my brother a few times and also was the one who argued with Dedede the most about banishing us) asking him if he could try to convince Dedede to let us come back. Apparently not really that upset about it either way, Dedede just replied with a 'whatever,' which Sir Meta Knight assured me was probably enough permission, especially seeing as how it came from Dedede. Overjoyed at finally getting to go home, I started packing right away, but my parents declared that they wanted to stay where they were because the tropical weather and 'high-mineral-content' water was good for Mom's 'complexion,' and Tuff said that he wanted to stay with them for now. Not sure if I wanted to leave them all, I thought it over for awhile, but finally decided that I'd go ahead and come back here. After all, I figured, a lot of people on other planets that are around my age leave their families and go to 'college' to learn everything they need to know to get the job they want. So I figured that I could study in the library and make observations down at the beach a lot in order to train myself to be a marine biologist, just like as if I was going to college.

Not too long after I got back here, Nightmare came back and a lot of other pretty bad stuff started going on. Although I fled to some strange (but beautiful) place called Nintendo City for awhile, an odd, floating alien showed up and begged me to join him and pretty much all of Kirby's other friends in helping to save a planet that was new to our Galaxy from Nightmare. While I can't fight very well except for some basic hand-to-hand combat that Sir Meta Knight taught me when I was younger, I do also know some first aid, so I agreed and went to help out as much as I could. After the battle, I finally got to properly meet and get to know the new Star Warrior who's been living here at the castle ever since a few years after I left. She seems all right and I'd even go so far as to say that I like her, but there's something about her that bothers me. She acts like she's hiding something, for one, and for another... Well, we'll get to that bit soon enough, I'm sure.

Anyway, here I am, fervently studying in the library just like I promised my parents I would. Although I'm not reading anything that has to do with marine biology, unfortunately. Nope, I'm looking at books about something I know pretty much nothing about: magic.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 6: Kirby and the Fountain's Fate (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now