Chapter II: Series of Events

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Author's Note:

Adam may seem a little OOC in the first few chapters. In the show he is a calm and calculated killer, but in these first few chapters he is a bit more reckless and hot headed, something that we see in the show when he loses control.

Reader's POV:

"What is it (F/N)?" Adam asks you as you approach the White Fang's headquarters.

"I have nothing to say brother." You respond simply.

"Don't lie to me. I can feel you glaring."

"You shouldn't have killed Hawthorne." You say, speaking your mind.

"Why not?" Adam asks through gritted teeth. "You heard what he called us."

"What he called us is irrelevant. His death was not part of the plan."

"So what? I was just supposed to allow him to get away with calling us 'filthy animals.' Are you okay with that?" He snarls.

"You know I'm not. But you cannot continue to allow your emotions to get the better of you. You may have inherited mother's intelligence, but your temper is all father's."

"Right." He scoffs. "Meanwhile you got mom's cool head and her (H/C) hair."

"And her eyes." You remind him. "Don't forget the eyes."

The two of you laugh.

"I understand your feelings brother, you know I do." You continue. "But I fear that one of these days your rage will obscure your vision to the point where you can't see the dangers approaching."

"I'll be fine, so long as I have my kid brother watching my back."

"I won't always be there Adam." You warn him.

"No, you won't. But I know that when it really matters, you'll stand with me."

"To the death." You tell him.

"Always." Adam says.

"Still, I can't say I'm looking forward to reporting to Khan." You say.

Adam chuckles. "Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. Especially when it comes to Sienna."

"And that," you say, "is why I didn't kill Hawthorne."

The two of you laugh together as you enter the hideout. Entering the dimly lit building, you head to your usual table, kicking two robed White Fang members from your seats.

"I never understand those types of people." Adam says as he watches the two robed members leave. "We're not a cult."

"Some would argue otherwise." You say calmly.

"Who, the filthy humans who step on us to stand taller, or the fanatics in the robes?" Adam asks with a laugh.

"Both I suppose." You smile back. "Let them do as they please is what I say. The White Fang is a place for Faunus to be safe. It was created to escape judgement."

"I'm not judging them." Adam says. "Just, ditch the robes and pick up a gun is all I'm saying."

"The humans already see us as monsters, brother. Best not to give them more reason to think so by becoming terrorists. We're already seen as an extremist group of anarchists, hell bent on seeing the collapse of society."

"I suppose you have a point." He says, leaning back in his seat. "Still, you can't deny the fact that violence led to results.

"Perhaps. But where does the violence end?" You ask.

Brother Of The Beast: Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now