Chapter XVI: Assembly

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It's been several months since you first arrived in Menagerie. Classes at Beacon were to resume soon. During these past months you've grown closer to Blake. She alone knows you completely, better than you know yourself. You'd grown quite fond of the life you'd been living as of late. The warm weather of the island passed the days in a comfortable and lazy fashion. It was nice to be able to relax. For all your life you'd been moving, one mission after the next, but now you could finally stop and just enjoy life. Enjoy love. Unfortunately, there's a saying, the calm comes before the storm, and you knew the storm was brewing, and boy would the winds blow. The first droplet of rain fell that afternoon. It was announced on the international news that Beacon would be delaying its reopening for another three months. Sitting with Blake in your arms as you watched the news, you listened in anticipation as Lisa Lavender announced the decision of the headmaster.

After that it started raining harder. Over the next few days you and Blake kept a close eye on the international goings on around Remnant. To most it seemed that the world was running smoothly, but with the information you had you and Blake could spot patterns most others would not. General James Ironwood was visiting Beacon to see how the reconstruction was going. Blake however, said that in all the recent news footage Beacon looked completely repaired. There was an increase in Atlas militarization and reports of Vale forces having a scuffle with a Bandit tribe in the east. The first clap of thunder echoed throughout the Belladonna household as a knock on the door. Rising from the breakfast table, Ghira went to answer.

"Blake! (F/N)!" He called from the entrance.

"What is it Dad?" Blake called as the two of you made your way to the front doors.

Ghira stood framed in the doorway blocking the visitors from sight. You however could smell who they were instantly. "Friends of yours?" He asks as he steps aside.

"Blake!" Ruby shouts, tackling your girlfriend into a hug.

"Ruby?" Blake asks. "Weiss? Yang?" The two other girls step into the house. "What are you all doing here?"

"We came to get you of course." Yang laughs.

"Get us?" You ask. "What do you mean?"

"Blake." Yang grins. "How long has (F/N) been here?"

"Yang!" Blake yells, her cheeks turning red.

"Hurry up girls. We don't have a lot of time." A fourth voice says.

You hadn't noticed this newcomer earlier, having been so preoccupied on the presence of the rest of Team RWBY. Now that your attention had been brought to him, the air suddenly smelled of alcohol.

"Right, sorry Uncle Qrow." Ruby says embarrassedly.

"Wait, what did Yang mean when she said, 'come to get us'?" Blake asks.

"We'll explain on the bullhead." Weiss says.

"Blake?" Ghira asks. "What's going on?"

Ruby and Yang's uncle, Qrow, was it? Qrow takes a swig from a flask and cuts through the chatter. "Listen, Chief Belladonna, we need to talk. Why don't the girls catch up while we have a chat."

"Umm? Okay?" Ghira says hesitantly.

"Do you have a wife? She'll probably want to hear this too."

As Qrow explains the situation to Ghira and Kali, the reunited Team RWBY sits in the living room as Ruby, Yang, and Weiss fill you in on the situation at hand.

"Ozpin called all of us." Ruby says.

"Well, he called our Uncle Qrow and General Ironwood." Yang clarifies.

Brother Of The Beast: Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now