Epilogue: Always

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5 Years Later:

Footsteps echo throughout a long hallway as a lone individual makes her way through the complex. The hallway is long and seems to stretch on forever, many different corridors branching off from the main path. Torches line the walls, illuminating the hallway, their flames dancing causing the light on the stone walls to flicker. Blake squeezes between two people walking in the opposite direction as she continues her path through the long hallway. She's carrying several manila folders in her arms, each stuffed full of important documents. Looking down at the watch on her wrist, she panics slightly and she begins to walk more briskly, her pace changing to a fast walk. She's just about to reach her destination when several of the folders slip from her arms and fall to the floor, spilling their contents. Groaning to herself, kneels down and starts sorting through the papers strewn about the floor. The documents contain information about financials, shipments, memberships, and other assets. Placing the documents back into their appropriate folders, Blake gets back to her feet and walks the last few meters with a tighter grip on the folders in her arms. Pausing outside a large set of doors, Blake takes a deep breath. Placing a ringed hand on the door to the High Leader's room, she pushes open the door and steps inside. The High Council is already assembled. Walking up to the table she places the folders on the table and takes her seat.

"Ah, Blake, glad to see you've arrived." Ghira smiles. "We were beginning to wonder if you were going to show up."

Sitting around the table is the assembled High Council; Ghira Belladonna, Ferdinand Lockhorn, Simon Gruff, the younger brother of the late William Gruff, Chet Shire, and of course, Blake herself.

"You're late." Mr. Shire says in an irritated tone.

Blake is about to respond when the doors open again. "Well she was here before the High Leader was, so I'd say that's on time." (F/N) Taurus says. "Perhaps you'd like to apologize?"

"O-Of course." Mr. Shire stutters embarrassedly. "Please, forgive my disrespectful tone Mrs. Taurus."

Blake nods her head in forgiveness before walking around the circular table towards her husband.


5 Years Ago:

Dropping your head, you rise to your feet. You turn to Blake and start to walk towards her. You're about to embrace her when you feel a sharp pain in your lower back. Several meters away from you, Ilia is propped up on her elbows, her whip piercing into your lower back. You fall to your knees and collapse on your back.

"(F/N)!" Blake shouts. Pulling out Gambol Shroud, Blake throws it at Ilia. The blade imbeds itself right between her eyes. "(F/N)." Blake cries as she drops to her knees. "Oh my God, (F/N). Not you too. They won't take you from me too."

"Blake." You gasp as your body shudders. "I-I..."

"Oh God, please no." Blake grabs your hand in both of hers, pressing it to her lips. You can feel her warm tears on your hand, rolling down your arm.

A hot numbness begins to spread from the bottom of your feet and slowly creeps up your legs, stopping at your lower back.

"I-I... I-I c-c... I-I can't..." You stutter. "Blake, I can't feel my legs. I-I can't feel my legs."

You try to move your feet, but nothing happens. You try again with the same result. Over and over you try to gain any semblance of control over the lower half of your body, but your legs just lie there, stubbornly refusing to move. You push yourself up onto your arms and try to stand but can't get your feet. Ilia's attack completely severed your lower spine, paralyzing you from the waist down.

Brother Of The Beast: Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum