Chapter XV: Familiar Faces

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Exiting Ghira's office, the two of you made your way back to the dining room where Kali and Blake were still seated. Resuming your old position next to Blake, you picked up your silverware and continued with your barely touched breakfast. Ghira kisses his wife on the cheek and takes his place at the head of the table, opening his scroll and scrolling down the screen. Kali and Blake look nervously between the two of you.

"Is, uh, is everything alright dear?" Kali asks.

"Hmm?" Ghira asks distractedly. Taking his eyes off his scroll he looks at his wife. "Oh, yes, yes. Everything's fine. I'm prepared for Sienna's visit later this afternoon."

"Um, yes, that's good." Kali stutters. "What did, what did you and (F/N) talk about?"

"We just caught up a bit. Talked about old times." He responds, eyes returning to his scroll.

"So, everything's settled between the two of you?" Blake asks.

"I don't know what you mean." He says.

Confused, Blake looks over to you in hope that you can provide more details. You however simply smirk as you take a bite of your scrambled eggs.

"Oh, (F/N)?" Ghira says, almost as if he had almost forgot to mention it. "I was hoping you wouldn't be averse to sitting in on my meeting with Sienna. It relates heavily to the events at Beacon and the actions of your brother. Perhaps you could provide us both with some much-needed insight."

"I would be honored." You respond.

"Glad to hear it." Closing his scroll, Ghira gets back to his feet. "Well, I think I'll make sure the office is in presentable conditions for when Sienna gets here. Thank you for breakfast dear."

Also rising from the table, you take your now cleared platter to the sink, rinsing it and taking the sponge sitting on the counter.

"Oh, (F/N)," Kali says, "you don't have to worry about that. I'll take care of it."

"It's no trouble I assure you." You finish cleaning your dish and you set it on the drying rack. "However, I was wondering if I might steal your daughter from you."

"Well, I suppose. Just make sure to be back before Sienna gets here. Her ship comes in around 3:00."

Nodding you understanding, you extend your hand which Blake gently takes, the two of you exiting the dining room.

"Did you need to talk to me?" Blake asks.

"No, I simply desired you company." You answer. "Perhaps we could go for a walk?" You suggest somewhat timidly. "You could introduce me to the island a bit more."

"Okay, sure." Taking your hand Blake leads you out of the house and begins walking back towards the docks and markets of Kuo Kuana. She stops when you give her a slight tug. "Is something wrong?"

"No, not wrong. It's just, I'd prefer to stay away from the crowds, they can give me a headache."

"Oh, I didn't know that."

"Yes, well, ever since Ozpin helped to, enhance, my senses, my mind goes into a bit of a sensory overload. Especially around crowds, there's just so much I have to filter out. Perhaps we could explore the forest?"

"I don't know." Blake says hesitantly. "I don't really know the woods that well. My father always insisted on staying within the village."

"With everything we've seen I'm sure we can handle a cluster of trees." Blake laughs at your remark. "We don't have to go far, I'd just prefer to spend some time with you where it's peaceful."

Brother Of The Beast: Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now