Chapter XIII: Menagerie

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In the following week Team RWBY said their goodbyes for the time being. Ruby and Yang heading back to the nearby island of patch while Weiss was flying back to Atlas. Together, you and Blake boarded a ship headed to the island of Menagerie in the southeast of Remnant. Stepping off the ship and onto the island, the two of you make your way to Kuo Kuana. You've never set foot on Menagerie before. Quite frankly the thought of it made your skin boil. Evidently your frustration with the place was apparent on your face, and Blake made note of it.

"(F/N)? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just, I'm not a fan of Menagerie." You say in a low voice.

"Give it some time." She says. "It'll grow on you."

"It's not the island itself." You tell her. "It's what it represents, oppression and confinement. The humans say they 'gave' this island to the Faunus, but they just herded us here like a bunch of animals. How did we ever grow so docile that we became satisfied with such a lie?"

"I understand where you're coming from. It used to make me mad too."

"But it doesn't anymore?"

"No. Well, yes, just a bit." She takes a moment to compose her thoughts. "It used to make me furious. I used to argue with my dad about it all the time. But one day he said to me, 'It's okay to find happiness in what the Faunus have, but that does not mean we are satisfied with our place in the world.'"

Taking a second to interpret her words, you allow a small grin to creep upon your face. "Ghira always was a wise man."

Making your way to the center of town, you find yourself standing in the shadow of the largest house on the island. You always forget that Blake's father is the Chieftain of Kuo Kuana, and thus by extent, Menagerie. Ascending the grand staircase leading up to the front entrance, Blake grabs the large decorative knocker and slams it once against the large wooden doors. Muffled voices sound from inside the house.

"Kali? Sweetheart, could you see who's at the door. I still haven't finished reviewing these documents from Sienna."

After a few seconds you hear rushed footsteps coming from behind the set of double doors. You hear the doorknob twist and the doors open, the difference in temperature between the house and outside causing a small breeze to wash over you and Blake.

"Sorry for the wait," Kali says as she opens the door, "my husband is... Oh my gosh. Blake!" Kali crosses the threshold and pulls her daughter into a tight hug. "Oh Blake, your father and I have been so worried. I... Ghira!" Blake's mother turns her head and calls back into the house, never letting go of her daughter.

"Kali? Who is it?" The sound of a chair scraping across the floor followed by heavy footsteps reaches your ear. "I hope it's important, Sienna wanted to meet with me tomorro...Blake!"

Ghira stoops down and sweeps his wife and daughter into his large arms.

Blake turns her face away from her parents, heat rising in her cheeks. "Mom, Dad, it's okay, I'm fine."

"Oh, Blake." Kali sniffs, trying to stop the tears flowing from her eyes. "When we heard the news about Beacon, we couldn't help but fear for the worst. But here you are, alive and well."

"Of course, she's okay, didn't I tell you Kali." He release a deep baritone laugh. "Our little girl's a fighter. And who is this you've brought with..." The rest of the Chieftain's words die in his throat. "Mr. Taurus." He says, voice growing more and more menacing with each syllable. "And why, pray tell, have you accompanied my daughter half way across Remnant to dirty my doorstep?"

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