Chapter XIX: The Eye of the Storm

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You wake up with a raging headache, body sore and covered in bruises. You begin coughing as smoke from the fiery wreckage enters your lungs. You feel something move in your arms. Blake. She's starting to stir when you hear voices calling for you off in the distance.

"(F/N)!" You hear Pyrrha shout. "Blake!"

Coughing, you pick Blake up in your arms and begin to navigate your way out of the ships remains. Pushing away a large piece of scrap metal, you exposed skin is attacked by the cold winds.

"Over here!" You cough, waving an arm.

The sound of quickened footsteps reaches your ears as Ruby, Pyrrha, Ren, and Ozpin all approach you.

"(F/N)?" Ruby shouts. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Blake's okay too." You add, setting your now conscious girlfriend back on her feet.

"And the pilot?" Ren asks.

"Dead." Ozpin calls.

The five of you move over to the headmaster who's standing over the pilot's dead body. Pyrrha gasps and Ruby starts silently crying.

"Let's move." Ozpin says. "We can't afford to waste anymore time. The others are probably already on the battlefield. Let's not keep them waiting.

Third Person POV

Squads Gamma and Delta:

Tai and Qrow's groups had just entered the storm eye. Quickly ridding themselves of their bulky snow gear the two teams take a minute to survey the area. The land is riddled with jagged rocks and the sky glows and eerie dark purple. A black crow returns to the ledge where the troops are waiting.

"Alright, here's the deal." Qrow says, transforming back into his human form. "There's too many of those pools to count, and the Grimm keep crawling out. Looks like we're up against more than just your common Grimm too. I saw some Griffins and Creeps down there in addition to the staple Beowolves and Ursa. Boarbatusks too. There's a couple Nevermores perched down there as well. Hell, I even saw a few Nuckleavees roaming around. No Goliath's though, at least, not yet."

"Once we're down there it's all or nothin'." Tai steps forward. "Okay, you all know what to do. Make a clearing, bottle neck those puddles, and cause a whole lotta noise. Don't start making your way around the edge until your team leader tells you. Got it?" Everyone nods, some of the White Fang troops checking their weapons one last time. "Alright then. Stick with your dance partners and let's go!"

Qrow and Tai spearhead the charge down into the basin towards the Grimm. Team SSSN, Nora and Yang, right behind the two huntsmen followed closely by the White Fang. About fifty snipers stick back and position themselves along various vantage points in the background, ready to provide cover. Nora and Sage leap into the air, Nora bringing her hammer swinging down on an Ursa's skull, Sage severing the head off a Nuckleavee's horse. Gunfire rains down on the Grimm as the White Fang start laying cover fire. Yang and her father tag team a horde of Beowolves while Team SSSN work together to take down a Nevermore.

Alpha and Beta Squads

Meanwhile on the northern side of the storm eye, Alpha and Beta Squad have already been locked in combat for twenty minutes, having lost around one-hundred men already. As Coco mows down hordes of Beowolves with her Gatling gun, Velvet and Fox work together to bring down a ferocious Ursa Major. Jumping over a swipe from its powerful claws, Velvet kicks the Ursa in the face as Fox delivers a power strike to the creature's ribs finishing it off. The Grimm dissolving into black dust, the dark cloud obscuring their vision, Velvet and Fox don't see the three Beowolves lunging at them until it's too late. Fortunately, Yatsuhashi slides in the side. Swinging his might great sword, his slices the beasts in half, causing them to vanish before they can harm his friends.

Brother Of The Beast: Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now