Chapter XI: Assault on Beacon

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A/N: I managed to get switched into an online class instead of having to attend my Friday lectures, thus giving me a three day weekend. As a special thank you for being so patient, I present you with THREE new chapters to the Reader x Blake Belladonna story. As always, thank you so much for your continued support, and please help me share this story with others. I love you all so much. -ASWW

Sitting close to the front of the bleachers, you watched with anticipation as the match between Pyrrha Nikos and Penny Polendina was about to begin. As of so far, there had been nothing to cause you concern. Still, you were on high alert. As the tournament was coming to a close it was unlikely the peace would last much longer. You sat on the edge of your seat as you listened to the commentary describing the match when two things happened very suddenly. First, you felt a large spike in negative energy coming from somewhere across the crowd on the other side of the arena. Second, your ears picked up the sound of fighting coming from a corridor leading into the transport bays for the medical units. You stood up as you heard the sound of Mercury Black's voice taunting Ruby, Blake's teammate. Standing frozen as your mind moved at a million miles per hour, you came to the following conclusion; Mercury Black was currently present in the facility, even though he should be recovering from a broken leg. Not only this, but he was in fighting conditions. Next was that the sudden spike in negative energy meant that something was about to happen, and you could determine that that something had to be taking place center stage, where everyone could see. If Mercury was fighting Ruby away from prying eyes, he clearly wasn't the instigator, simply a distraction. This left only one possibility, center stage, quite literally, in full view of thousands of spectators and even more at home.

Jumping over the barrier and into the stage, you heard a collective gasp from the crowd. As you ran towards the stage you heard the shifting of metal and the twang of wires being manipulated by Pyrrha's semblance. You taste the copper and steel shift and feel the wind change as Pyrrha sends Penny's blades flying back in her direction. Jumping onto the platform, you pull out your Ōdachi and just barely manage to sever the wires connecting Penny's blades to the unit on her back. If you hadn't, the wires would have cut her clean in half.

Cinder's POV:

Dammit! Who is that? Whoever he is he just ruined my plans. Pulling out my scroll I quickly call up Emerald.

"Emerald! What just happened?" I shout angrily.

"I don't know ma'am. Some guy just ran out into the middle of the stage and stopped the fight."

Looking back to the screen I pause the television as the cameras zoom in on the man's face. It looks like, but no, it can't be. It almost looks like (F/N) Taurus. Dammit, it is! I thought Adam said he killed him. Never trust a man to do a woman's job.

"Ma'am? Ma'am?" Emerald's voice echoes from my scroll.

"What?" I bark at her.

"What do we do now?"

"The plan hasn't changed." I say, regaining my composure. "Simply, the means of initiating it have varied slightly. You are to meet me at the rendezvous point as agreed."

With that, I hang up and quickly dial Mercury.

"'Sup?" He asks.

"Mercury, there's been a change of plans."

Reader's POV:

Your senses are somewhat overwhelmed as cameras fly in front of your face and Atlesian soldiers begin to surround you. The crowd is nothing but a vast see of confusion. You feel someone grab your shoulder and another try to put you in handcuffs when suddenly a loud boom echoes throughout the stadium. It's quickly followed by another, and another, multiple explosions sounding off all around the stadium. The heat of the resulting fires grows stronger as the flames threaten to spill out of the corridors and into the seated crowd. Screams echo throughout the air as people try to scramble over each other in a mad dash for the exits. The Atlasian soldiers release you and scatter, some moving to investigate the source of the explosions, others going to help direct the crowd. You can feel the dread rising in the air, and where there's fear, there's bound to be...

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