Chapter 7

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"What do they want us for?" Bailey wondered out loud.

As far as she knew, only the purple dragons knew about her. Unless they teamed up with that Dogpound.

"Whatever it is, we can't let them have you." Leo said glancing at both girls.

Raph growled and pulled Bailey closer to him. Mikey frowned as he held Kaley's hand in his own.

"From now on, don't go anywhere without at least one of us." Leo gives a look to Bailey.


Bailey smirks as she sneaks out. It was too easy. She quickly wet topside to a favorite pizzaria and grabbed a box of pizza.

She sat on a rooftop munching on her favorite pizza when she heard a jump.

Thinking it was Raph, she said," I'm coming back in a second raph."

There wasn't an answer.

She turned around to see a footbot.

Bailey gasped, pizza forgotten, and jumped to another rooftop. She took out her phone begrudgingly calling Raph.

"Bailey, where are you?!" He growled.

Bailey sighed as she ran across a rooftop. Slightly breathless, she looks back to see not one, but ten footbots.

"Ummm..I'm in a situation with footbots?" She grunts as she lands on a rooftop.

She could hear mumbling from the other side before she heard running.

"OK, we're coming."

"Hurry." Bailey says before a blade imbedded into her shoulder.

She yelps and can hear Raph on the phone calling her name.

"Stay on the phone, Bailey! What happened? Bailey?!"

"Oh nothing, just a knife inside my shoulder, nothing big."


A footbot caught up to her and kicked her.

Bailey falls down and the footbots circle her. They all have sharp knives but with something green on the end.

One tries to stab her and she moves out of the way.

Another one goes for her face and she tried to block. Nothing hits. She looked up to see Raph holding the knife as he pushed the footbog away.

Raph holds a hand out for Bailey and she took it.

"This is what happens when you sneak out." He took out his sais and begins fighting them, along with the others.

The footbots run off when they see the others. Bailey staggered as she felt a sting in her shoulder.

Raph quickly caught her and took the knife out.

"Donnie! What is this green stuff all over her and the knife?!" Donnie quickly rushes over to the two and his face pales as he takes one look at it.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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