Halloween Special: Kaley and Mikey! Part 1

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Part 1- Halloween Special!

*Kaley's P.O.V.*

I am walking with Casey and April with a Halloween basket. Why? Because it's halloween! I'm dressed up as a girl version of Mikey, April is...a guy I believe? She told me who she was, but I didn't really listen and Casey just has his mask and hockey equipment.

Bailey is with Raph already probably making out in his room or something. Eww! Now I have that image in my head!

I kinda wish now that Mikey was with us.. he's more fun to be around.

"Give us some candy yo!" I hear Casey say.

I sigh and slap my hand against my forehead. Did he really just say that?

The man who had opened his door shut it on my brother's face.

I start laughing as Casey is about to knock on the door again.

"Come on Casey!" April grabs Casey's wrist and pulls him with her.

"What do you think the turtles will dress up as?" I ask April.

"Well Leo will probably be something Space Heroes. Donnie might be some historic person, and Raph will be something scary." She stops and thinks for a minute.

I notice Casey gone and sigh. He probably went to that guy's house and pulled a prank.

"Mikey would probably try to impress you....so something gory or really funny."

I blush. He would try to impress me? He did say he thought I was hot... He practically shouted it out to the whole world.

"Do you like him?" April asks me.

"Like who?" Casey wraps an arm around April.

"No one." I smile.

"Why can't I know who you like?"

"Because it's my business."

We stop talking and look around. The park just got foggy and we couldn't see anything. I hear a growl and turn around.

There are 3 wolves.

We run out into a alley and into the streets. We see a guy bent over with his hands over his head. I walk over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I ask him as he turns around and hisses at me. I jump back only to hear Casey scream.

"Casey!" Casey got bit.

"April call Donnie!" I yelled as Casey starts chasing me.

*April's P.O.V.*

I quickly dial Donnie's phone number on my phone as Kaley runs off with Casey behind her.

"Hey April what's up?"

"Donnie! Casey turned into a vampire and is hunting Kaley and I as we speak!" I look around as I run.

"Donnie I need your help-"

"April watch out!" Kaley screams.

I jump to the side and see Casey grabbing at where I was just at.

"Hurry up Donnie!"

*Kaley's P.O.V*

April hangs up as Casey tries to grab her.

I get behind Casey and take his hockey stick.

"Casey!" He turns around.

I gasp a little. I haven't seen his face yet because I haven't have time to look, but he has fangs and his eyes glow.

He smirks.

"Kaley, come join me. We could team up and become so powerful. All it takes is one bite." His fangs shine.

I drop the hockey stick and walk towards him. Wait..he's hypnotizing me! I try to look away, but I can't look away from his eyes. He holds his hands out to me as I reach him.

"No!" A nunchuck hits Casey's hands away from me. I feel hands wrap around me as I'm pulled away from Casey.

"Are you alright dudette?" I hear a familiar voice ask. I turn around to see Mikey.

"Yeah." I see him sigh in relief.

"Nice costume by the way!" I blush as he looks at my costume. I'm about to reply when I hear a scream.

While Mikey was getting me, Casey went after April. Luckily, Donnie put his stick, bo staff, or whatever its called into Casey's mouth. Casey tries to get free and Bailey grabs a hold of him.

Not being aware that he is a vampire or anything, he turns to her. He bites her neck and she screams. Raph lunges at Casey and throws him off her.

Bailey staggers holding her neck. I watch in horror as her eyes glow and her normal teeth turn into fangs.

April gets bitten as she is watching Bailey and falls to the ground.

"Raph." I hear a sigh as Bailey begins trying to use her hypnotizing on him.

I run towards Raph as he starts walking and slap him.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"I was saving your life!"

Bailey hisses.

Raph turns to see Donnie doing the same thing he just did and slaps him.


Hey guys! I know it's been a while, but the reason why was because I didn't know how to write Kaley and Mikey's little chapter. Then I remembered Halloween was coming up and I had just recently watched a Halloween tmnt episode and I had this idea I have written! Happy Halloween! (Even if its a little early to say)

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