Chapter 3

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OK I just noticed I said the same thing twice in both chapters 😣😣 I'm soooo sorry about that!!

[Raphael's p.o.v.]

After the talk with Casey, I couldn't stop thinking about Bailey. Even when I punched the stupid punch bag I saw her. Her beautiful green eyes, her soft black hair, her pink lips.... OH MY GOD?!

I...LIKE HER?!?! won't work out....she's human and I'm a mutant.

It doesn't matter, you still have hope that you can ask her out.

I walk away from the punching bag, deep in my thoughts. So deep, that I don't even see Bailey in front of me till I knock her down to the ground.

"I'm so sorry Bailey!" I panic and pull her up.

"It's ok." She giggles.

She smiles at me making me blush. I turn around and walk away quickly. Oh man, she's already affected me. First I apologized- which I have NEVER done. Second I blushed- I've never in my WHOLE life blushed.

You're helplessly in love.

Shut up!!!!

I walk into my room and fall onto the bed, sighing. If I am falling in love with do I ask her out? And when? Where would it be?

Great, I'm sounding like Donnie now.

At least he's trying to get the girl he's fallin for.

I start trying to write a poem....maybe she likes poems?

Roses are red
My mask is too
I wanted to ask you something

I scratch it off with a groan. Ok I suck at poetry what's next? Cooking is out... Wait!

I walk out and feel like my legs turned to jelly. OK just ask her out....that's all I have to do...then plan the idea...

"Hey Bailey?" I call out.

"Yeah?" She looks up from where she's sitting on the couch.

I gulp and walk over to her slowly.

"I know we just met a few hours ago, but...I wanted to ask would like to go out with me?" I hold my breath.

"Of course!" She smiles as wide as i do. I hug her and spin her around.

"OK..see you around 9?" I ask.

"You know it." I chuckle at her and rush out to do the date.

[Bailey's p.o.v.]

Raph asked me!!!! I squeal. Oh no! It's 7 now! I panic and look for Casey.

"Casey! I need your help!" I hope I never have to ask him for anything else because he always makes fun of me, but i really do need his help...I need to go home take a shower, change, put on make-up...

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