Chapter 6

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Bailey stood in the distance. Her hair blowing gently, eyes sharp, and a frown settled. It was midnight, dark, windy, everything to make her look intimidating....

If she wasn't throwing a fit like a four year old.

"Why didn't you let me bash them?!" She whined as she crossed her arms.

"Because you go too far with bashing, Bailey." Casey replied as everyone mentally groaned at Bailey's whining.

Raphael wrapped his arms around Bailey and she calmed down...a little bit.

"Well it still isn't fair. You all got to hit people except me....even Kaley!" Kaley glanced over at Bailey and stuck her tongue out.

Bailey growled and tried to go after her sister, but the arms around her lock up. She pushed against it for a second before deflating.

"Why is everyone mean to me?!" She whined.

"Because you are mean to us.." Mikey said and everyone agreed with him.

"Blame me for being crabby? What if I was on my period? Would you actually give me peace?"


"Let's go eat!" Kaley shouted and everyone jumpef, the turtles give a relieved sigh as they don't have to answer the question.

They head to Mr.Murakami's restaurant and see the purple dragons.

"I get dibs on the biggest one!" Bailey yelled out suddenly.

"You gonna fight me girlie?" They turn around.

Dogpound walks out of an alley and so does Xever.

Kaley almost peed on herself when she saw how big this dude is. She glances over at Mikey to see him looking as scared as she is.

The purple dragons walk out onto the street and smirk.

"Y'" Bailey ask a little breathless.

The PD begin fighting the turtles,Casey, and April. Dogpound and Xever go for the other two girls- sisters.

Bailey unsheathed her katana and charged towards Dogpound. She hit his large fist and he huffed as he can't grab her. Xever took out a knife and Kailey backed away.

He ran towards her and she yelped as she heard it whistle in her ear.

"Shredder has plans for you both." He said while smirking.

"Shredder?" Kaley dodges another hit.

The turtles finish the PD and help the girls. Dogpound and Xever run away right after saying,

"We'll come back for you two. We won't stop fighting till you both are captured!"

Raphael and Michelangelo get closer to the girls. Raph growls.

"Well...that went badly." Kaley said after a moment.

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