You Argue ~ Jay

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Was it normal to have these many run-in's with your ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend (or current girlfriend, you didn't really care)?

Not only were you sure that Nya was following you, you were also sure that she was the worst, but that was just a matter of opinion.

It was more common to see her anyplace you posted pictures at, so sometimes you post pictures from across town, when you're sitting in your bathtub, just to know that you caused her some trouble.

You didn't really care if Nya was following you, because you couldn't be bothered to even attempt to care for her, but it was a waste of your precious time when she came up to you, listing the reasons why you should get back together with Jay.

"Nya, I've already told you, I don't want to get back together with that pig! If you're so concerned why don't you date him and bring him out of this so-called heart break!"

Sneering at the brunette, you turned to walk away and called out over your shoulder, "And stop following me around!"

She quickly moved forward and grabbed your arm, "(Y/N), please!"

You scowled at her and yanked you hand to fiercely that she toppled backwards and fell flat on the floor, yelping in surprise. Your eyes widened slightly, but you made no move to help her up.

"Nya?!" Jay's alarmed voice, startled you and you turned to see him rushing over and helping the girl up.

He turned to glare darkly at you, "What do you think you're doing?!"

You blinked, "E-Excuse me?"

"Nya had nothing to do with us breaking up! I came here to ask for a second chance, but now that I see how you're treating her, I can't imagine why?!"

"I'm surprised you came to ask for a second chance, since you know I won't be giving it to you." You answered, expressionless.

"That isn't the point! The point is that you were treating her badly, just because things didn't work out between us!"

Your eyes widened, "Is that what you think happened here? You think I'm holding all these feelings back because I'm upset at Nya?! That's not true! I've let go of the train-wreck that was our relationship but apparently the only one holding on is Nya!"

"W-What's that's supposed to mean?"

You rolled your eyes at his sudden loss of confidence, just a few seconds he was yelling at you and now he was acting like an injured kitten?

"Why don't you ask Nya? I'd answer you myself, but I'm getting sick of your face. Good bye."

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