Better Than Nothing

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"Let's give her some time...", Joe said: "You will see that she will integrate well."

Then the gate rose and allowed the moonlight to brighten the room a little. In the corner where you were, you couldn't see who it was. Some cars prevented you from seeing. But in truth, you didn't have the slightest intention of seeing who had entered, you didn't want to see any new faces. It wouldn't have made a difference. So you still sat with your head down and looked at the blood running down your arms. You heard a few steps to reach the entrance and saw Joe's shoes disappear from your eyes and then his voice echoed.

"Welcome back! Profitable hunting?", he asked.

The newcomer threw a black garbage bag on the ground, but from the noise it produced, it became clear that there were cadavers in it. The guy answered with a simple groan, as if he didn't want to talk about it. Through your hair you saw a pair of feet. Everyone laughed and that surprised you. They laughed at him and not at you. From what you understood from the joke exchanges between Joe and Len, this person had recently joined them. Maybe his reaction to seeing a woman had produced the laughter of others. You assumed he wasn't such a bastard, but you couldn't be sure. Maybe he had just adopted a playful expression, happy to see fresh meat. You lazily raised your head to look at the person. One look was enough to see the soul of him. But when you allowed him to look into your face, you felt frozen. Your eyes wandered and you both were put into a state of paralysis. No emotion appeared, careful not to convey anything to the group.

"Claimed.", Daryl said.

You didn't understand that word, but it did mischief among the men. Len approached his head angrily and pointed to the archer.

"What! Who do you think you are? That's not how it works here!", he spat.

Joe put his hand between the two men and pushed them back a little. He bowed his head and moved his white hair. He looked at Daryl, and Len wasn't pleased to see any reaction from the leader, and continued to rant.

"Fuck it! Even if he understood the rules, this bitch belongs to all of us!"

The group supported Len and agreed. You understood that some rules had to be enforced, but there had to be a dilemma regarding the word 'claimed'. You were confused. In addition, Daryl's eyes continued to point to you, despite the speeches surrounding him. He stared at you in a strange way, you couldn't understand what he really thought. You were afraid he would have changed. Meanwhile, Tony accused the archer and grumbled that they had already given him too much. Joe calmly answered his henchman and finally turned to Daryl.

"Calm down guys.", he said: "Apparently our friend doesn't want to share."

The glare from Daryl's eyes embarrassed you. You could not keep eye contact, and so you often looked down. Then, from what was happening, you were taken back by the very lively discussion by pointing a gun at you.

"Bullshit!", Len shouted: "I aim at her until I get what I want!"

Daryl's hand closed into a fist, emphasizing the tight sinews, but no one noticed. On the contrary, Len was annoyed with the arrogance of the archer, as he apparently didn't care about the objections. Joe smiled at you and spoke to the angry man.

"Len, stay calm."

At that moment Daryl turned and put his face to Len, snorting through clenched teeth.

"I said CLAIMED."

Len moved as if to punch him in the face, but Joe stopped him.

"I understand your anger.", Joe said: "But look... We've never set a rule on this subject, we've always shared without having any problems with it, but we've decided that we could declare our things with the word 'claimed'. I feel compelled to agree with the man, and I can not deny it."

Opposites Attract (Daryl Dixon x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz