All You Need

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God: Abby, just because someone makes a bad mistake doesn't mean they're not a good person.

Me: Oh, that was random... But yes!! That's exactly the kind of confirmation I've been needing with the boy I kind of like! He's making dumb decisions, but you're right - that doesn't mean I shouldn't give him a chance. A person is more than just their mistakes.

God: Geez. Not everything I say is meant to be about this boy situation.

Me: Well, it's the biggest issue I've got going on in my life right now.

God: Is it though?

Me: I mean, yeah. My friendships are chill, my health is good. I've got everything I need... except a man.

God: Hold up. Did I change genders?? I'm pretty dang sure *I* am a man.

Me: God, you know what I meant.

God: Yes, but I also know what you need, and right now all you need is me.

I'm all you'll ever need.

A Message From The LordМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя