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Me: I'm such an awful person.

God: You're such an awful person.

Me: I'm an idiot!

God: You're an idiot!

Me: I'm too emotional and just get in the way of everything.

God: You're too emotional and just get in the way of everything.

Me: I'm easily the most annoying person ever, and I'm just so stupid!

God: You're easily the most annoying person ever, and you're just so stupid!

Me: God?? Is that you?!?!!!

God: Yup! Could you not recognize me? I don't change, ya know. Ever. I've looked twenty-five for the past 3000 years. It's kind of nice sometimes!

Me: No no no no no... You were saying such, such.... Rude things. That's not like you!

God: I was only repeating what you were saying about yourself.

Me: Well, don't listen to what I say.

God: Well, why shouldn't I if you do?

Me: I... I don't...

God: Then why do you hide? Why do you stay silent, hidden in the shadows of the world, not letting yourself out or, even worse, allowing others in?

Me: People don't like me.

God: Who said that? You?

Me: No! Lots of people! Like... Uhhhhhh... Uhm...

God: Exactly. Abby, sometimes you just need to stop and listen. Remove all of the extra noise or you're going to miss a lot of the signs.

Me: Signs to what exactly?

God: Signs to show you how amazing you truly are! Signs to tell you how talented, beautiful, and bright you are inside and out! Signs to remind you that I love you just the way you are and that there's no reason to change who you are.

Me: Oh.

God: But there's something special about these signs.

Me: What's that?

God: They cannot be seen by the human eye. Only the heart.

Me: I'm going to have to work a bit on that. My heart's a bit rusty as of the moment.

God: I can help that.

Me: I remember... Piece by piece.

God: You got it! ;)

Me: Hey God?

God: Yes, daughter?

Me: I love you.

God: I love you too, Abby. I always have.

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