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Me: Hey God! Look at this epic shirt found! I think I'm going to use my extra money to buy it!

Me: Hey God! Look at this epic shirt found! I think I'm going to use my extra money to buy it!

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God: That is a fabulous shirt! Animal Crossing is the! But didn't you tell me that you were going to give that money to the girl at your school whose house burned down?

Me: Oh yeah. Well, I'm sure she's already gotten a ton of other donations and stuff. Besides, it's only $15. What could she even do with that little amount of money?

God: Oh, I don't know. Maybe buy a shirt like the one you want, to replace hers that was destroyed in the fire?

Me: But God, I really want that shirt!

God: But Abby, she really NEEDS that shirt.

Me: I guess you've made your point.

God: So what are you going to do with that $15?

Me: Give it to the girl!

God: Good choice, kid. Good choice.

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