My Plans

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Me: God.

Me: God.

Me: God.

Me: God!

Me: God!

Me: God!

Me: GOD!

Me: GOD!!

Me: GOD!!!

Me: What the pasta is wrong with you? Answer me!!!!!!!!

Me: GOD!!!!

God: Hello, Abby.

Me: Dude, finally!!

God: What? I was just trying to get you to a new record! :D

Me: Of how many times I could yell at you or how long my patience lasts?

God: 😂 I am kidding! So... what's up, kiddo?

Me: Things in my life just aren't normal. What's wrong????

God: Nothing is wrong, Abby.

Me: What?! God, how could you say that? I am hurting so bad. Obviously things aren't going right!

God: Things may not be right, but nothing is wrong. Open your eyes! This is exactly how I planned this to happen.

Me: I don't understand, God. Why do your plans for me always involve me being in such pain and stress and loneliness?

God: Those aren't my plans, Abby. Those are yours.


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