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God: Hello, my beautiful daughter!

Me: Hey! God, I love you so much!! Thank you for all of the many, many things that you have given me!

God: I love you too, Abby! But am having a hard time saying the second part back to you.

Me: Huh?

God: I give you so much and sometimes even without you ever asking for it, yet what do I receive back for it all? Let me just say, it's not very much.

Me: What do you mean? I've been studying my Bible every morning, I've been exercising and taking care of my body because it is Your temple, I've been encouraging and inspiring those around me with Your word... I do so much for You!!

God: Yes. I see that you do a lot, but it is not intentional. You don't do any of it with the intention or mindset of doing it for ME, but for you. Most of what you do is for your own social glory, which is unnecessary and toxic. No. You're supposed to be doing all things for My glory.

Me: One of my favorite verses! 1 Corinthians 10:31, "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." ...Okay, God, I see your point. But how do I remember this throughout my day??

God: The only way to remember is to never forget.

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