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The tight grip of the others bruised me as they pulled us up and over and into the cart. Evee had just rounded her legs over the cart when I felt the hard fall of my stomach to the floor. The cart was swallowed into the blacked pit of the tunnel and straight down.

We had just missed the drop.

It seemed as though the wheels of the cart would never stop rolling down the steep hill as it pushed and pulled my insides with every inch forward. But as if the wheels could hear my thoughts, they began to slow, just before the bottom of the slope where the carts lined into the supply room door.

It was calm down here, there was only the sound of water dripping onto the stone floor, and the clanking of the carts being carried through another long tunnel.

Evee gripped her hand on mine, "Thanks," she said with soft eyes.

"We all need a second chance," I said and turned to Valencia.

Valencia's veil had fallen off. Under the dark light of the tunnel, I could see a proud grin blossom beneath her dimpled skin.

Both Macie and her father put their hands on my back.

"That was much more than a chance," Evee's father said and pointed his finger to me, "That was love."

"Where to now?" Macie said and gave Evee an exhausted embrace.

"We need to -," Nate said as he looked down at his flashing slate.

"Children," Gen's voice interrupted, "Haven't you had enough fun for today?"

X-Marks: Rising ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now