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"Ms. Vossler," Dimitri said with a wider smile, "Always on time."

Mat pierced his eyes towards Dimitri with burning anger.

"Stay away from us," Mat said and moved his body to shield me.

"Come now," Gen said, and glided her fingers across a glass case as she walked closer to us, "You thought you could cross my floor without a proper welcome."

"We're just doing what we should have done already," Mat said and gripped my hand tighter, "We're leaving this place."

"While I would agree, you have overstayed your welcome. I have to say I am surprised you're leaving so quickly. I've given you all opportunities to thrive in this community. You think you would show a little appreciation for all we do here in the Vossler Union."

"There is nothing to appreciate about any of this," Mat said and turned his head sharply towards Dimitri, "Isn't that right Dimitri."

Dimitri's odd smile curled up his pale cheeks in a gruesome way that twisted my core.

"It's good to see you again Matias," Dimitri said and nodded his head.

"What's going on?" Evee said returning with the bag and standing beside Macie.

"Valen!" Nate shouted from behind me, "Watch out!"

Before I could see him approach, Dimitri ripped my arms away from Mat and bound them behind my back. He kept one of his arms pressed under my neck, locking my head close to his.

"I'm sorry Mat," Dimitri whispered into my ear, "You left us with no other choice."

"Mat," I said and struggled under Dimitri's constricting grip, "What is he talking about?"

"You leave her out of this!" Mat said and pointed his fist toward Gen.

"Valen," Gen said and crossed her arms at her chest, "We have a decision to make tonight."

"What decision?" I said and looked at Mat and the anguish building behind his dark eyes.

"You see it wasn't always like this," Gen said and stared down into a glass shelf of rusted gadgets, "There was a time when the Union was willing to open our gates to anyone who could finesse a tragic tale from the other side. But the others in the Union couldn't see the danger in this.

"I tried for many years to legislate for the necessary protections this Union would someday need, but at every turn, I was thwarted by those who would rather see our boat sink than to keep some off of it.

That was when I built the lower city."

"And now it backfired," Nate said with a faint smirk.

"Oh, but it did not, young man," Gen said and rolled her neck around as if it were stiff.

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