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Mat and his mother continued to entwine in each other's arms

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Mat and his mother continued to entwine in each other's arms.

I could hear their faint words from the threshold of the door. Lot's of questions, many more bursts of joyous laughter. I could feel the pieces of my chest swell with happiness. He wasn't looking, but somehow, someway, he had found her.

The old woman began laughing and pointing at the pair. I didn't speak her language, but I knew what she meant.

My joy soured into a sudden sense of dread. Where was Valen? I'd wished she was here to see this. She'd never believe us. Not without a full exam of questions, of course.

A crash and a gush of air raced behind me outside the door. Mat and his mother stopped their embrace.

A man with black hair tied into a ponytail was panting outside the doorway.

"Cora, I'm so-so - sorry," he said, still gasping for air, "I've been looking, looking for my mother everywhere."

"Lucas," Mat's mother said, "You should have just come here first. You know that by now."

"I tried," Lucas said, his brown eyes wide, " But the Forcers have all the main roads block off."

"What for now?" Cora answered with her back turned.

Lucas entered the door and sat onto the tattered armchair closest to the door.

"I don't know!" he exclaimed and threw his hands up, "Something to do with some red-haired girl, I heard."

If I'd had anything in my hands, I would have dropped it to the floor.

"Mat," I said so quietly I could barely hear myself.

But he was already running out the door. The white shadow of his coat raced past the corners of my eye as the feeling in my skin began to come back, and my feet quickly followed after him.

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